

A glossary of people, places & objects in Earthsea

Now showing glossary items relating to people living before the opening of 'A Wizard of Earthsea' (including characters from 'The Finder', 'The Bones of the Earth' & 'Darkrose and Diamond')


See Aiman


Also known as: Aimal

Of the House of Morred, he married Queen Heru; their child was Maharion. Gave Heru the Ring of Erreth-Akbe, heirloom of his house, as a marriage gift

Sources: A Description of Earthsea, TfE


Titles: King of Earthsea

Ancient King of All the Isles, from Shelieth on Way. He moved the court from Berila on Enlad to Havnor City in around the year 150, and drove the Kargs into the east

Sources: The Masters of Roke, FS; The Finder, TfE; A Description of Earthsea, TfE


Also known as: Flag

In the Dark Years, bald emaciated female slave in the roaster tower of the Samory mines on Havnor. Comes from Woodedge village on Mount Onn; her mother is Ayo and her aunt Mead. She has a powerful but untrained gift of magery, linked with the Old Powers of the earth. Escapes with Medra, but soon dies of quicksilver poisoning. Judging from her relatives, before her enslavement, she was probably 'a short, slight, quick woman, with a round face and clear eyes, and a mass of dark hair, not straight like most people's hair, but curly, frizzy'a

Sources: The Finder, TfE (a)

'…thinking by his height he was a child, and then saw the small breasts. It was a woman. She was bald. Her joints were swollen knobs in her bone-thin limbs. … her thin body greyish and dark like the stones. Her chin and breasts were shiny with the spittle that ran from her mouth.'

[The Finder, TfE]


Witch or sorcereress of Gont who taught Heleth; herself taught on Perregal by Ennas of Perregal

'…his old witch-teacher with her bitter mouth and her long, lean arms…'

[The Bones of the Earth, TfE]


Great mage-scholar of ancient times. Compiled the Book of Names and presumably invented the Pendulum of Ath. Lived at one time at Ath's House on the island of Pody, before going into the west via Pendor to fight the great dragon Orm, in which confrontation he died -- according to the legends of Paln, on the island of Ontuego

Sources: The Finder, TfE; A Description of Earthsea, TfE; Palaces, OW; Dolphin, OW

'"That---so we say on Paln---is the very question Ath asked Orm a thousand years ago, in the ruins of Ontuego. 'Can a dragon lie?' the mage asked. And Orm replied, 'No,' and then breathed on him, burning him to ashes… But are we to believe the story, since it was only Orm who could have told it?"'

[Dolphin, OW]


In the Dark Years, lives in Woodedge village on Havnor isle; one of the women of the Hand; a short woman with dark frizzy hair, she is described as a wise woman; very poor but generous. Mother of Anieb and sister of Mead

'Ayo and Mead were much alike, and Otter saw in them what Anieb might have been: a short, slight, quick woman, with a round face and clear eyes, and a mass of dark hair, not straight like most people's hair, but curly, frizzy.'

[The Finder, TfE]


Titles: Goody Beltow

Woman of Sattins island in the East Reach; owns a ginger cat

Sources: The Rule of Names, W12Q


Young fisherman of Sattins island in the East Reach; a large, blue-eyed man, described as brave and inarticulate. Owns the fishing-sloop Queenie in which he leaves Sattins with his love, the schoolmistress Palani

'a large, brave, wordless young man'

[The Rule of Names, W12Q]

Black Mage

Historical mage; enemy of Nereger of Paln, who defeats him by learning his name from overhearing the conversation of dragons

Sources: The Open Sea, WoE


Titles: Sealord of Pendor

Fairly young wizard and voyager; descendant of the Lords of Pendor. Described as handsome, he has a black beard and black eyes; though his manner is cheerful, he appears arrogant. His staff is oak. Killed by the dragon Yevaud on Sattins island while seeking the emerald Inalkil and other treasures of Pendor in the dragon's hoard

'the voyager was quite young, a handsome black-bearded fellow'

[The Rule of Names, W12Q]

Bordger of Way

Historical wizard who took on bear shape so often he turned permanently into a bear and killed his own son, before being hunted and killed

Sources: The Hawk's Flight, WoE


Great mage of historical times, remembered in a story on Gont

Sources: Bettering, T

Related entries: Children's tales


In the Dark Years, a wealthy book-collector of Orrimy on Hosk; apparently a bit of a snob, he 'could bargain for a book very shrewdly, but nattering with common women about buttons and thread was beneath him.'a Teacher of Medra, he settled in Thwil, becoming the first librarian (and possibly the first Master Namer) of the School of Wizardry on Roke. Described as tall and proud

Sources: The Finder, TfE (a)

'…a wealthy recluse, who had no gift of magic but a great passion for what was written, for books of lore and history. … Crow was a strange man, wilful, arrogant, obstinate, and, in defense of his passion, brave.'

[The Finder, TfE]

Dark Woman

Powerful sorceress following the Old Powers, said once to live in a cave under Roke Knoll on Roke; her dark magic was said to be defeated when the first Archmage came to Roke. 'The Finder' states that this story was not founded in truth

'They say that Roke used to be ruled by a woman called the Dark Woman, who was in league with the Old Powers of the earth. They say she lived in a cave under Roke Knoll, never coming into the daylight, but weaving vast spells over land and sea that compelled men to her evil will …'

[The Finder, TfE]


Also known as: Rose

Daughter of witch, Tangle, in Glade on Havnor island. A free spirit, described as both outspoken and timid, she brought up herself from a young age. Plays the fife, and becomes a wandering musician in Labby's band. Later marries Diamond, who is a year older than her; their child is called Tuly. Described as dark-skinned, with a vivid, fierce thin face, crinkly hair and a husky, dark-toned voice

'Rose was very dark-skinned, with a cloud of crinkled hair, a thin mouth, an intent, serious face. Her feet and legs and hands were bare and dirty, her skirt and jacket disreputable. Her dirty toes and fingers were delicate and elegant, and a necklace of amethysts gleamed under the torn, buttonless jacket.'

[Darkrose and Diamond, TfE]


Titles: King of Earthsea

Ancient King of All the Isles of the House of Ilien, ruling at Havnor City; father of Heru and grandfather of Maharion

Sources: A Description of Earthsea, TfE


Also known as: Essiri, Di, Songsparrow, Skylark

Only son of wealthy merchant Golden and Tuly in Glade in the west of Havnor island. His true name, Essiri, means willow. Lover of music from an early age, he sings tenor and plays the fife and harp. Having a gift for magic, particularly illusions and summoning, he studies with the wizard Hemlock in Havnor South Port, leaving to join his father's business. Aged nineteen, runs away with Darkrose to be a wandering harpist and singer; their child is called Tuly. Described as a youth as big, tall, with a ruddy, round face, bright dark eyes, thick shiny hair and a husky speaking voice; he is cheerful, friendly, patient and modest

'…till Diamond was sixteen. A big, well-grown youth, good at games and lessons, he was still ruddy-faced and bright-eyed and cheerful. He had taken it hard when his voice changed, the sweet treble going all untuned and hoarse. Golden had hoped that that was the end of his singing, but the boy went on wandering about with itinerant musicians, ballad singers and such, learning all their trash.'

[Darkrose and Diamond, TfE]


King or queen of Enlad before the reign of Morred. The deeds of the early rulers of Enlad are told in the Deed of Enlad

Sources: A Description of Earthsea, TfE

Related entries: King of All the Isles


One of the women of the Hand, of Telio on Pody, living in Ath's House. Described as 'heavyset though thin, with a sullen, steady gaze'a. A talented healer, she came to Roke School of Wizardry aged 13 or 14 with Medra, later becoming the first Master Herbal

Sources: The Finder, TfE (a)

'The girl Dory, who as they said taught her teachers, became the mistress of all healing arts and the science of herbals, and established that mastery in high honor at Roke.'

[The Finder, TfE]


See Heleth


One of the founders of the School of Wizardry on Roke in around 650; a white-haired man described as eager

Sources: The Finder, TfE

Eagle Queen

See Heru


Also known as: Teriel

During the Dark Years, powerful wizard in the service of Losen; formerly a prentice of Gelluk. Skilled in controlling others and at shape-changing, taking the shapes of gull, eagle and dragon. Later rules Havnor through Losen as his puppet. Described as wearing a 'white silk robe, holding a tall white staff, the horn of a sea beast from the farthest North'a. He sends a fleet of eighty ships against the School of Wizardry on Roke, soon after its foundation, but is defeated by Elehal

Sources: The Finder, TfE (a)

'The desire for power feeds off itself, growing as it devours. Early suffered from hunger. He starved. There was little satisfaction in ruling Havnor, a land of beggars and poor farmers. What was the good of possessing the Throne of Maharion if nobody sat in it but a drunken cripple? What glory was there in the palaces of the city when nobody lived in them but crawling slaves?'

[The Finder, TfE]


Sorcerer of Valmouth on Gont some thirty or forty years before A Wizard of Earthsea; he taught Ogion farmwork, carpentry and possibly magic. Described as respectable, he's also generous enough to pay Ogion's passage to Roke

Sources: The Bones of the Earth, TfE


Also known as: Ember

One of the founders of the School of Wizardry on Roke in around 650; younger sister of Yahan and lover of Medra. Her parents and brothers were killed by raiders from Wathort when she was a young child. Described as short, strong, black-browed, with dark eyes, a keen, hard, round face, soft brown skin, sleek black hair, later greying. Initially fierce and stern, in middle age she is said to be quiet and even-tempered. She first lived in the Immanent Grove, then in Thwil town with Medra, and later in a little house by the Thwilburn, near the Grove, later called the Otter's House. She is the first Master Patterner

'…under her sternness, quick and tender as the first flame of a catching fire.'

[The Finder, TfE]


Titles: Elfarran the Fair, Elfarran of Soléa, Queen Elfarran

Wife of Morred, mother of Serriadh, she died around two thousand years ago, drowning in the Sea of Éa when the Isle of Soléa was lost beneath the sea by spell of the Enemy of Morred. She bore the Ring of Erreth-Akbe centuries before the time of Erreth-Akbe. Ged was trying to summon her spirit when he released the shadow-beast

Sources: The Loosing of the Shadow, WoE; A Description of Earthsea, TfE

'In the oval of light for a moment there moved a form, a human shape: a tall woman looking back over her shoulder. Her face was beautiful, and sorrowful, and full of fear.'

[The Loosing of the Shadow, WoE]


Wizard who drove Yevaud (later the Dragon of Pendor) from Osskil in the time of Morred

'…a wizard, Elt, wise in names.'

[The Dragon of Pendor, WoE]


See Elehal


King or queen of Enlad before the reign of Morred. The deeds of the early rulers of Enlad are told in the Deed of Enlad

Sources: A Description of Earthsea, TfE

Related entries: King of All the Isles

Enemy of Morred

Also known as: Wandlord

An evil mage of great power who made whole cities and armies in thrall to him; he was defeated by Morred. Even after his death, the spell he wove against Morred was so powerful that the island of Soléa was overwhelmed by the sea

Sources: A Description of Earthsea, TfE

Enlad, House of

See House of Enlad

Ennas of Perregal

Great mage. Former owner of Ogion's lore-books, via his pupil the sorceress Ard and her pupil Heleth; these include the Glosses of Danemer, Arcana of the Enlades and a Book of Runes

Sources: The Shadow, WoE; Mice, T; The Bones of the Earth, TfE


Person at the School of Wizardry at Roke soon after its foundation

Sources: The Finder, TfE


Ancient mage and dragonlord, counsellor to King Maharion and said to be his heart's brother. A fatherless witch's son from inland Havnor. Defeated the Firelord, and decisively defeated the Kargish fleet at Waymarsh. In 440, he carried Morred's ring (later called the Ring of Erreth-Akbe) to King Thoreg as a sign of peace between the Archipelago and the Kargad Lands, but found himself in the midst of a coup; he was defeated by High Priest Intathin of the House of Tarb, who broke the Ring and, according to Kargish accounts, his staff. Killed by the dragon Orm on Selidor a few years before Maharion's death in 452. His sword is set atop the Tower of the Kings of the Havnor New Palace; his deeds are told in the Deed of Erreth-Akbe

Sources: The School for Wizards, WoE; Dreams and Tales, ToA; Selidor, FS; A Description of Earthsea, TfE

'He wore an armour of gilt bronze, in an ancient fashion; it was rent as if by hatchet blows, and the jewelled scabbard of his sword was empty. His face was stern, with arched black brows and narrow nose; his eyes were dark, keen, and sorrowful.'

[Selidor, FS]


See Diamond


Old woman of the town of Glade on Havnor island

Sources: Darkrose and Diamond, TfE


See Master Finder


A great mage who sought to undo the darkness and stop the sun at noon. Defeated by Erreth-Akbe. The yellow-flowered sparkweed is said to grow where the wind dropped the ashes of burning Ilien, when Erreth-Akbe defended the Inward Isles from him

Sources: The School for Wizards, WoE; A Description of Earthsea, TfE


See Anieb


Titles: Seacaptain Fogeno

White-browed old man of Sattins island in the East Reach. A former sea captain, he is blind from a detached retina

Sources: The Rule of Names, W12Q

Gadge Brewer

Brewer of Glade in the west of Havnor

Sources: Darkrose and Diamond, TfE


Owner of an ox team in Re Albi; presumably a farmer

Sources: The Bones of the Earth, TfE


Carpenter of Sattins island in the East Reach; wall-eyed and incompetent

Sources: The Rule of Names, W12Q

Gehis of the Havens

Lord of the Havens, he rebelled against the rule of King Maharion; Maharion was mortally wounded in battle with him in 452. May have been one of several who unsuccessfully contested the throne after Maharion's death

Sources: A Description of Earthsea, TfE


Also known as: Tinaral, Whiteface, Old Whiteface

Powerful wizard from the north, chief mage in the service of Losen during the Dark Years; described as tall, pale, with bluish eyes and long hair, wearing rich scarlet robes and a peaked hat. Particularly skilled at controlling others. Obsessed with quicksilver (mercury), which (based on a lore-book from Way) he calls the King or the Allking, he seems to have been driven mad, perhaps by mercury poisoning. Killed by Medra and Anieb who trick him into speaking his true name, Tinaral

'Gelluk wore fantastic clothes, as many of his kind did in those days. A long robe of Lorbanery silk, scarlet, embroidered in gold and black with runes and symbols, and a wide-brimmed, peak-crowned hat made him seem taller than a man could be. … His face was large and long, whiter than any face Otter had seen, with bluish eyes. Grey and black hairs curled here and there on his chin and cheeks. His calm, open smile showed small teeth, several of them missing.'

[The Finder, TfE]

Gemal Sea-born

Also known as: Gemal Sea-born of Ilien
Titles: King of All the Isles, King of Earthsea

Ancient King of All the Isles, he ruled at Havnor City and was the first king from the House of Ilien. His hall forms the throne room of the New Palace. Father of Denggemal, grandfather of Heru and great-grandfather of Maharion

Sources: The Masters of Roke, FS; A Description of Earthsea, TfE


Rich merchant of the town of Glade on Havnor island; owns chestnut groves, sawmill and carting business. Lives in a fine, comfortable two-storey house in the high end of town. Husband of Tuly and father of Diamond. Described as a big, tall man, careful, practical and rather contemptuous of music and similar arts. He is around twenty-eight when Diamond is born

'He was a consciously close-mouthed man, distrustful of visions until they could be made acts'

[Darkrose and Diamond, TfE]

Great Ones

Gods of the Children of the Open Sea (raft people); they are believed to take the form of whales. Their temple, the House of the Great Ones, contains carved idols of god figures, depicting a mixture of dolphin, fish, man and seabird

Sources: The Children of the Open Sea, FS

Grey Mage of Paln

Mage from Paln who made great spells (the Lore of Paln) to summon the spirits of the dead for counsel to the Lords of Paln a thousand years ago. He killed the great mage Nereger of Paln. Cob bears his staff, a long steel rod, engraved with runes

Sources: Sea Dreams, FS; Orm Embar, FS

'"…it is seldom done, and I doubt that it is ever wisely done. In this the Master Summoner agrees with me; he does not use or teach the Lore of Paln, in which such spells are contained. The greatest of them were made by one called the Grey Mage of Paln, a thousand years ago. He summoned up the spirits of the heroes and mages, even Erreth-Akbe, to give counsel to the Lords of Paln in their wars and government. But the counsel of the dead is not profitable to the living. Paln came on evil times, and the Grey Mage was driven forth; he died nameless."'

[Sea Dreams, FS]


Titles: Goody Guld

Old woman of Sattins island in the East Reach; talkative widow of a concertina maker. Her nephew is Birt

Sources: The Rule of Names, W12Q


Also known as: Halkel of Way
Titles: Archmage

First archmage of the School of Wizardry on Roke in 730, some eighty years after the establishment of the school. He established a rigid hierarchy of wizards, sorcerers and witches, and set up a distinction between the high arts and base crafts of magic. He banned the teaching of the high arts such as knowledge of the Old Speech to women (though this proscription was widely ignored), and excluded them from Roke School. He also abolished the original office of the Master Finder, now considered a base craft, replacing it with the Master Chanter

Sources: A Description of Earthsea, TfE

Hand, the

See Women of the Hand

Hega of O

First Master Hand of the Roke School of Wizardry, he teaches tricks of illusion

Sources: The Finder, TfE


Also known as: Dulse, Heleth Farseer

Mage of Re Albi, master of Ogion the Silent. Born in Re Albi to a sorcerer-prospector, he was taught by the sorceress Ard and by Nemmerle at the School of Wizardry on Roke. His staff is of yew tipped with copper; his lorebooks come from the mage Ennas of Perregal via Ard. Lives at the Old Mage's House on Gont. Considering himself an impatient, quick-tempered man, and said to be talkative for a wizard, he's also described as peaceful. With Ogion, aged nearly eighty, he stilled the earthquake threatening Gont Port ten years before 'The Shadow' [WoE], giving his life in the process

'Dulse considered himself a wordy, impatient man with a short temper. The necessity of not swearing had been a burden to him in his youth, and for thirty years the imbecility of prentices, clients, cows, and chickens had tried him sorely. Prentices and clients were afraid of his tongue, though cows and chickens paid no attention to his outbursts.'

[The Bones of the Earth, TfE]


Scholar and wizard of Havnor South Port; trained at the Roke School of Wizardry. Lives an austere life, in a narrow house on a back street of the city. Described as serious, unyielding and quiet, with a dry flat voice, he's said to be loath to practise the lesser arts of magic. Briefly teacher of Diamond

'Hemlock was an honest, upright, humorless, scholarly wizard, with little interest in feelings or ideas. His gift was for names.'

[Darkrose and Diamond, TfE]


Also known as: Eagle Queen, the Eagle
Titles: Queen of Earthsea

Queen of Earthsea, of the House of Ilien; she ruled from Havnor in 400-430. Granddaughter of Gemal Sea-born and daughter of Denggemal, she married Aiman of the House of Morred; their son was Maharion. She undertook a building programme in Havnor City, including the River House palace (called the Queen's House) and, with Maharion, the three towers of the New Palace. During her reign, dragons started to raid the western isles and forays by the Kargs increased. Given the Ring of Erreth-Akbe by Aiman as a marriage gift, she gave it to Erreth-Akbe to take to the Kargad Lands as a sign of peace in 440

Sources: The Finder, TfE; A Description of Earthsea, TfE; The Dragon Council, OW


An old mage on the Isle of Pendor; he taught Medra in around 650

'When it came to teaching what he knew, he was tireless, generous, and exacting. … Highdrake's mastery of spells and sorcery was not much greater than his pupil's, but he had clear in his mind the idea of something much greater, the wholeness of knowledge. And that made him a mage.'

[The Finder, TfE]


Historical Archipelagan figure, whose unspecified deeds are recounted in the Deed of Hode

Sources: Hunted, WoE


During the Dark Years, a wizard and finder in the service of Losen skilled in sniffing out magic and its practitioners; later unwillingly serves Early. He's described: 'with age Hound had come to look his name, wrinkled, with a long nose and sad eyes.'a Believing that '"Crafty men need to stick together"'a, he eventually deserts Losen to stay in Endlane, living with Rose of Endlane

Sources: The Finder, TfE (a)

'In Losen's service was a man who called himself Hound, because, as he said, he had a nose for witchery. His employment was to sniff Losen's food and drink and garments and women, anything that might be used by enemy wizards against him; and also to inspect his warships.'

[The Finder, TfE]

House of Enlad

Also known as: Enlad, House of

The descendants of Morred, the Princes of Enlad and the Enlades; the latest is Lebannen. Its crest is a flying heron with a twig of rowan in its beak

Sources: The Masters of Roke, FS; The Dragon Council, OW

'[Lebannen] was proud of his lineage, but thought of himself only as an heir of princes, one of the House of Enlad. Morred, from whom that house descended, had been dead two thousand years. His deeds were matter of legends, not of this present world. It was as if the Archmage had named him son of myth, inheritor of dreams.'

[The Masters of Roke, FS]

House of Hupun

Also known as: Hupun, House of, House of Thoreg

House of the secular kings of Karego-At, ruling from Hupun; includes Thoreg and his descendants

Sources: A Description of Earthsea, TfE

House of Tarb

Also known as: Tarb, House of

The descendants of the High Priest Intathin; the lineage of the Priest-Kings and later the Godking of the Kargad Lands

Sources: Dreams and Tales, ToA

House of Thoreg

See House of Hupun

Hupun, House of

See House of Hupun


Titles: High Priest Intathin

Kargish High Priest of the House of Tarb, who defeated Erreth-Akbe in Karego-At; he is said to have broken the Ring of Erreth-Akbe and his staff. He gave the half of the Ring he retained to the Tombs of Atuan. The Priest-Kings are descended from him

Sources: Dreams and Tales, ToA


Titles: Prince of Enlad

Prince of Enlad three hundred years before The Farthest Shore, he killed the dragon Bar Oth

Sources: Hort Town, FS


Itinerant musician in the west of Havnor; leader of a band, he plays the double-reed woodhorn

'…a light-skinned, flashy-looking fellow…'

[Darkrose and Diamond, TfE]

Lar Ashal

King or queen of Enlad before the reign of Morred. The deeds of the early rulers of Enlad are told in the Deed of Enlad

Sources: A Description of Earthsea, TfE

Related entries: King of All the Isles


Foreman of the mines at Samory under the warlord Losen during the Dark Years; described as brutal not cruel

'…a broad, strong man with a furrowed face…'

[The Finder, TfE]


In the Dark Years, man from Endlane village in the interior of Havnor island; brother of Rose of Endlane

Sources: The Finder, TfE


Titles: King of the Inmost Sea

During the Dark Years, a sea-pirate turned warlord; living in the Tower of the Kings, he rules Havnor City and the east & south of Havnor with the aid of the wizards Gelluk, Hound and, later, Early. His rule eventually spreads to the whole of Havnor Island and the north of the Inmost Sea. In later life, becomes a paralysed puppet of Early; he is killed and his kingdom broken up when Early is defeated on Roke

'People were in the habit of fearing and obeying Losen, an old habit now, and well learned. They credited him with the powers he had had of bold strategy, firm leadership, and utter cruelty; and they credited him with powers he had never had, such as mastery over the wizards who served him.'

[The Finder, TfE]


Merchant of Easthill in the west of Havnor; competitor of Golden in the chestnut business

Sources: Darkrose and Diamond, TfE


See Morred


Titles: King of Earthsea, the Last King, Maharion the Brave

Last King of All the Isles at Havnor, he ruled from 430-452 (ie around 600 years ago; in other sources, 800 years ago). Son of Queen Heru and Aiman. His mage and counsellor was Erreth-Akbe, described as his heart's brother; they spent ten years together fighting the Kargs before defeating them decisively at Waymarsh. Maharion also fought in four campaigns against dragons in the west. With Heru, undertook a building programme in Havnor City, including the three towers of the New Palace. Died in battle with the rebellious lord Gehis of the Havens. He seems to have left no children; after his death, no clear claimant to the throne emerged and the kingdom fell into the Dark Years. Maharion predicted that the next king would have 'crossed the dark land living and come to the far shores of the day'a, which was widely interpreted to mean he would be a wizard or mage

Sources: The Masters of Roke, FS (a); A Description of Earthsea, TfE

Master Finder

Also known as: Finder

One of the nine Masters of Roke when the School of Wizardry was first founded, teacher of spells of finding, binding and returning. The first holder of the office was Medra. In 730, the office of Finder was abolished by the first Archmage, Halkel of Way, to be replaced by the Master Chanter

Sources: The Finder, TfE; A Description of Earthsea, TfE


In the Dark Years, lives in Woodedge village on Havnor isle; one of the women of the Hand; a short woman with dark frizzy hair, she is described as a wise woman; very poor but generous. Aunt of Anieb and sister of Ayo

'Ayo and Mead were much alike, and Otter saw in them what Anieb might have been: a short, slight, quick woman, with a round face and clear eyes, and a mass of dark hair, not straight like most people's hair, but curly, frizzy.'

[The Finder, TfE]


Also known as: Otter, Tern
Titles: the Child Taker, Master Finder, Master Doorkeeper

A finder and a seeker. Born at Havnor City in the Dark Years, son of a boatwright and a farm woman Rose of Endlane; one elder sister. He lived at Boatwright Street and first worked as a shipbuilder. Taken as a slave as a young man by the warlord Losen, and used to find underground ore at the mines of Samory by Mount Onn, he escapes with Anieb, after killing the mage Gelluk, and encounters the women of the Hand at Woodedge on Havnor. Travels for ten years in search of Morred's Isle, studying for three years with the mage Highdrake on the Isle of Pendor. One of the founders of the School of Wizardry on Roke (around 650), he first lives in a small house by the harbour and Net House in Thwil and also works as a boat-builder; later he lives in a small house near Thwilburn and the Immanent Grove (later called the Otter's House) with Elehal, his lover. He brings the lost Book of Names to Roke, and is the first Master Finder and later also the first Master Doorkeeper. Described as short, slight, brown and pretty, he is lame in his right leg in later life after confronting the mage Early

'The first sign of Otter's gift, when he was two or three years old, was his ability to go straight to anything lost, a dropped nail, a mislaid tool, as soon as he understood the word for it. And as a boy one of his dearest pleasures had been to go alone out into the countryside and wander along the lanes or over the hills, feeling through the soles of his bare feet and throughout his body the veins of water underground, the lodes and knots of ore, the lay and interfolding of the kinds of rock and earth. It was as if he walked in a great building, seeing its passages and rooms, the descents into airy caverns, the glimmer of branched silver in the walls; and as he want on, it was as if his body became the body of the earth, and he knew its arteries and organs and muscles as his own.'

[The Finder, TfE]


Also known as: Mage-King, White Enchanter, the Young King, Morred the White
Titles: King of Earthsea

Ancient mage and King of All the Isles; his court was at Berila on Enlad. The year of his ascension was counted as year 1 in the Hardic calendar. Husband of Elfarran the Fair, to whom he gave the arm ring later known as the Ring of Erreth-Akbe, and father of Serriadh. Said to have seen his enemy's name written by falling raindrops in the dust of the Enlad battlefield. Died over a thousand years ago, fighting the Enemy of Morred, as told in the Deed of the Young King (or the Deed of Morred), with the ruin of Enlad and the engulfment of Soléa. His line, the House of Enlad, continues in the princes of Enlad

Sources: The Open Sea, WoE; The Masters of Roke, FS; Hort Town, FS; A Description of Earthsea, TfE


In the Dark Years, weatherworker from the Roke School of Wizardry who travels as a boy of fifteen with Medra

Sources: The Finder, TfE

Nereger of Paln

An ancient mage from Paln who found the name of the Black Mage by listening to the conversation of dragons. Killed by the Grey Mage of Paln

Sources: The Open Sea, WoE; Orm Embar, FS


In the Dark Years, a charcoal burner's wife of Firn village on Havnor isle; one of the women of the Hand

Sources: The Finder, TfE


See Medra


Schoolmistress of Sattins island in the East Reach; aged twenty; described as plump and pretty. Leaves Sattins with the fisherman Birt

Sources: The Rule of Names, W12Q


Cowherd of Sattins island in the East Reach

Sources: The Rule of Names, W12Q


Young girl of Sattins island in the East Reach; described as little

Sources: The Rule of Names, W12Q

Red Mage of Ark

Historical mage who, it is said, kept a wild boar on a gold chain

Sources: The School for Wizards, WoE


Mage of Havnor City on Havnor island

Sources: Darkrose and Diamond, TfE


Inhabitant of Re Albi during the time Heleth was alive; owner of a well

Sources: The Bones of the Earth, TfE


See Darkrose

Rose of Endlane

In the Dark Years, a farm woman from Endlane village, on Havnor; she moved to Havnor City to find work and there married a boatwright. Mother of Medra and an unnamed daughter, she has a brother, Littleash; her mother's name is Rowan. After her husband's death she returns to live in Endlane, and takes in the wizard Hound

Sources: The Finder, TfE


In the Dark Years, woman from Endlane village in the interior of Havnor island; mother of Rose of Endlane

Sources: The Finder, TfE

Rune Makers

Also known as: Rune Masters

The earliest mages, from Ea and Soléa, a thousand years before the first kings of Enlad (around 2250 years before the Earthsea cycle). The earliest records of the Isolate Tower on Roke suggest that they invented writing, True Runes and the art of naming. Other accounts, however, suggest that True Runes date back to the creation of Earthsea, Segoy having written them in fire on the wind. Seeking immortality, the Rune Makers used the arts of naming to lay 'a great net of spells upon all the western lands, so that when the people of the islands die, they would come to the west beyond the west and live there in spirit forever'a and so created the Archipelagan afterlife, the dry land

Sources: A Description of Earthsea, TfE; Rejoining, OW (a)

'"A thousand years before the first kings of Enlad, there were men in Éa and Soléa, the first and greatest of mages, the Rune Makers. It was they who learned to write the Language of the Making. They made the runes, which the dragons never learned. They taught us to give each soul its true name: which is its truth, its self. And with their power they granted to those who bear their true name life beyond the body's death."'

[Rejoining, OW]

Related entries: Religion and the afterlife; Immortality

Rune Masters

See Rune Makers


Poor linen spinner and one of the women of the Hand in Telio on the island of Pody in the Dark Years. Neighbour of Dory. She has black braided hair

Sources: The Finder, TfE


Titles: Mrs

Married woman of West Shore on Sattins island, in the East Reach

Sources: The Rule of Names, W12Q


In the Dark Years, one of the women of the Hand on the isle of Ark where she has a sister and two sons; she joins the Roke School of Wizardry soon after its foundation aged around 53

'Though she had no wizardly gifts at all, she knew so well how to get a group of people to trust one another and work together that she was honored as a wise woman on Ark, and now on Roke.'

[The Finder, TfE]


Cattle farmer of Re Albi when Heleth was alive

Sources: The Bones of the Earth, TfE


Titles: King of Earthsea, Serriadh the Peacemaker

Ancient king of Earthsea; son of Morred and Elfarran. Called 'the peacemaker' and 'the gentle king'

Sources: The Masters of Roke, FS; Sea Dreams, FS; The Finder, TfE; A Description of Earthsea, TfE


Sawmill owner in Re Albi on Gont

Sources: The Bones of the Earth, TfE


Young boy of Sattins island in the East Reach; described as fat and quick

Sources: The Rule of Names, W12Q


Man of Easthill in west Havnor, probably a mule breeder or trader

Sources: Darkrose and Diamond, TfE


King or queen of Enlad before the reign of Morred. The deeds of the early rulers of Enlad are told in the Deed of Enlad

Sources: A Description of Earthsea, TfE

Related entries: King of All the Isles


Witch in the town of Glade on Havnor island; mother of Darkrose. She wears many bracelets, likes cats, toads and jewels; despite making a good living from healing, midwifery, curing animals and selling potions and spells, she lives in squalor, not being interested in clothes, housekeeping or motherhood. Her house has two rooms and a yard

'She was never ill-natured. She seldom thought to do anything for her daughter, but never hurt her, never scolded her, and gave her whatever she asked for…'

[Darkrose and Diamond, TfE]

Tarb, House of

See House of Tarb


Harpist in the town of Glade on Havnor island, he leads a band of musicians; teacher of Diamond

'…a lean, long-jawed, walleyed fellow of forty.'

[Darkrose and Diamond, TfE]


See Early


See Medra


Also known as: Thoreg of Hupun
Titles: King of the Kargad Lands

King of the Kargad Lands in the time of Maharion and Erreth-Akbe (around 440), his capital was at Hupun on Karego-At. Fought against the rise of the High Priests (later Priest-Kings) at Awabath. Erreth-Akbe gave half the broken Ring of Erreth-Akbe to his daughter, Tiarath; Ensar and Anthil were the last descendants of his house, the House of Hupun

Sources: Voyage, ToA; A Description of Earthsea, TfE


Daughter of King Thoreg of the House of Hupun on Karego-At. Erreth-Akbe gave half of the broken Ring of Erreth-Akbe to her, and it became a treasured heirloom of their house

Sources: Voyage, ToA


King or queen of Enlad before the reign of Morred. The deeds of the early rulers of Enlad are told in the Deed of Enlad

Sources: A Description of Earthsea, TfE

Related entries: King of All the Isles


See Gelluk


Wife of wealthy merchant Golden in Glade on Havnor island; mother of Diamond. Her uncle was a mage in the Court of the Lords Regent of Havnor City. A dutiful and loving wife and mother, she's prone, at least in her husband's opinion, to gossip and worrying. She has a soft, dark-toned voice

'Mothers were born to worry about their children, and women were born never to be content. There was no reason why [Golden] should listen to the litany of anxieties by which Tuly hauled herself through life. Of course she thought a merchant's life wasn't good enough for the boy. She'd have thought being King in Havnor wasn't good enough for him.'

[Darkrose and Diamond, TfE]


Titles: Mr

Human form assumed by the dragon Yevaud on Sattins island in the East Reach, after being driven from the isle of Pendor by the League after around a hundred years of occupation. About fifty, he's described as little and fat, with bowlegs, inturned toes and a husky voice; said to be timid, he lives in a cave under a hill, working as a rather incompetent wizard, though he carries no staff

'…a little fat man of fifty who waddled along with his toes turned in, breathing steam and smiling'

[The Rule of Names, W12Q]


See Yahan


See Enemy of Morred


Man at the School of Wizardry at Roke soon after its foundation; an early advocate of celibacy, the mascularisation of wizardry and the demonisation of the Old Powers

Sources: The Finder, TfE

White Enchanter

See Morred


See Gelluk

Women of the Hand

Also known as: Hand, the

Community of women and men concerned with the ethical use and teaching of magic, established during the Dark Years around 150 years after the death of Maharion. Centred on Roke, but with an extensive network of secret cells on other islands around the Inmost Sea, including Havnor and Hosk; members identified each other by a secret hand gesture involving raising the first finger and then the other fingers, clenching the hand into a fist and finally opening it palm outwards. In around 650, members of the group, including Elehal, Yahan and Medra, founded the School of Wizardry on Roke

Sources: The Finder, TfE


Also known as: Veil

One of the founders of the School of Wizardry on Roke in around 650; by three years the older sister of Elehal. Described as very tall, with a mild gentle voice, yet implacable. Her parents and brothers were killed by raiders from Wathort when she was a child

Sources: The Finder, TfE



WoEA Wizard of Earthsea
ToAThe Tombs of Atuan
FSThe Farthest Shore
OWThe Other Wind
W12QThe Wind's Twelve Quarters
TfETales from Earthsea

Earthsea and its inhabitants were created by Ursula Le Guin, and no infringement of her copyright is intended in this fan site