A list of fan-written stories & poems for the Earthsea series by Ursula Le Guin. Compiled by the Espresso Addict


Archive: http://archive.skyehawke.com/authors.php?no=177
Blog: http://melannen.dreamwidth.org/


Calving (general)
Summary: Thorion visits the High Marsh

Available at: Yuletide
Length: long vignette
Main characters: Thorion, Irioth
Pairing: none
Source: 'On the High Marsh'
Time set: During Earthsea Quartet
Date published: 2005
Written for: Yuletide 2005

Harrekki (general)
Summary: This takes place immediately after the events of Tehanu, and it ought to be merely the beginning of a longer story --- but what story ever ends, really?

Available at: Earthsea Fiction LJ
Length: short vignette
Main characters: Ged, Tenar, Tehanu
Pairing: none
Source: A Wizard of Earthsea, Tehanu
Time set: Between Tehanu & The Other Wind
Date published: 2005
Written for: Earthsea Fiction LJ Challenge

White Hallows (general)
Summary: Names, and power, and the Lord's house of Re Albi

Available at: Skyehawke, Earthsea Fiction LJ
Length: short vignette
Main characters: Serret, Lord of Re Albi
Pairing: m/f
Source: A Wizard of Earthsea
Time set: During Earthsea Quartet
Date published: 2005
Written for: Earthsea Ficathon 2005