Compiled by the Espresso Addict

Espresso Recommendations

Innovative and stylish fanfiction, showcasing the very best across multiple sf, fantasy & literature fandoms. Good writing in all its forms can be found here, including gen, het, slash, OCs, AUs, crossovers, future fics, humour & pastiche

Contents: 1010 recs in 235 fandoms; 65 links

Narnian Chronicles

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Carpetbaggers by Cofax

'Rhea blinked at him, and her ears relaxed a little, swiveling outwards. She turned that dark gaze on Edmund, Susan, and Lucy, before looking back at Peter. "You appear somewhat short of courtiers, good king."' A long satisfying novel exploring how the Pevensies established their reign after Aslan left, with many & varied adventures along the way for each of the sibs. There is thoughtful worldbuilding, and a large supporting cast of OCs & minors. Cofax treads a delicate balance in adding depth & complexity to canon, including some very dark themes, while remaining very close to its spirit. Deservedly a classic. The Cave in Deerfield, also recommended, forms a brief prequel that explores one of the novel's darker ideas

[Added 20/10/2017; Drama; >50,000; Narnian Chronicles; Characters: Susan, Edmund, Lucy, Peter Pevensie, Tumnus, Peridan, sallowpad, Mr Beaver, OCs]

Elegant and Fine by Ursula Vernon

'He was nearly as broad as he was tall, and his head barely came up past her waist. He had gnarled hands from working metal and he was as ugly as she was beautiful.' An unusual take on the problem of Susan, with a brief but vivid portrait of her Narnian lover

[Added 29/08/2013; Character Piece; 1000-2500; Narnian Chronicles; Characters: Susan Pevensie, Edmund Pevensie, original character]

The foreigner by nasimwrites

'There is hardly any protocol here, and what little there is, is absolutely unintelligible, as it varies upon the number of limbs and amount of fur on each member of its population and the particular whims of its much-too-young rulers, which leaves experienced Tarkaans like Belazir in the most uncomfortable position of walking into Cair Paravel with as much diplomatic ceremony as a common stable-boy.' A thoughtful conversation piece presenting an outsider's perspective on the events of The Horse and his Boy. Nasimwrites gives us a strong characterisation of Peter, that most difficult of Pevensies to capture, as well as clever foreshadowing of future events

[Added 23/12/2018; Drama; 2500-6000; Narnian Chronicles; Characters: Peter Pevensie, Edmund Pevensie, OCs]

From the grove of cypress and yellow rose by Redsnake05

'Tumnus was brought forth at midsummer, from under a tangle of yellow roses nestled in the bend of a small, sweet stream. His father was scratched and his arms ran with blood from a multitude of little cuts as he drew Tumnus out of the undergrowth and into the world.' A fascinating origin story for Tumnus, which does a good job of melding high & cosy Narnia

[Added 05/07/2016; Character Piece; 2500-6000; Narnian Chronicles; Characters: Tumnus, Jadis, Lucy Pevensie, Pan, OCs]

Further Down And Deeper In by amyfortuna

'Yes, they leave a mark. I'm sorry it hurts. The pain will pass soon. You cannot go to the end of anything without being changed in some way, and this is a small price to pay for the beauties you will see.' Tourist guide to Bism which fleshes out how the realm might actually work, with a wonderfully creepy narrator and a bonus sneak crossover that I won't spoil

[Added 23/12/2018; Drama; 1000-2500; Narnian Chronicles; Characters: OCs]

A High and Lonely Destiny by Elizabeth Culmer

'This is the story Jadis learned when she was three years old, told by an under-nurse with salt-pale skin and a missing left thumb, as she braided Jadis's hair into a crown: / "Long and long ago, in another world, the god El grew bored and lonely. So he made Lilith from salt and sun and Adam from earth and shadow..."' Elizabeth deftly entwines multiple tales within a tale with a suitably nasty history for Jadis. Beautifully written & inventive

[Added 11/12/2018; Character Piece; 2500-6000; Narnian Chronicles; Characters: Jadis, Jadis's sister, Lilith, OCs]

I'll Squeeze You a Cup Full of Diamond Juice by Edonohana

'"I caught a single glimpse of the land at the heart of the world, all heat and color, and it captured my soul. Perhaps it would have killed me if I had tried to descend into the land of flame. But I think it would have been worth it."' An adorable account of how Rilian returns to Bism, with descriptions that make one want to follow him. The ending is perfect

[Added 05/07/2016; Romance/Erotica; 2500-6000; Narnian Chronicles; Characters: Rilian, Drinian, OCs]

The Last Defense of Cair Paravel by Cofax

'In those days, the Earl of Lantern Waste was a Human named Shandon, who was descended through many mothers from King Frank himself, although several of her fathers were river-gods rather than Human.' This unusual short puts forward some interesting hypotheses about the peculiar relationship between Narnia & humans, and features an excellent OC

[Added 20/10/2017; Drama; 2500-6000; Narnian Chronicles; Characters: Jadis, OCs]

Out of Season by Elizabeth Culmer

'She didn't remember being that foolish. But then, she had grown up in the palace as milk-sister to Prince Rabadash and granddaughter to Axartha Tarkaan, the Grand Vizier. She had danced with snakes since before she could speak. That made a difference.' Elizabeth creates a vivid, detailed picture of Calormene society based on Mughal India from Lewis's blank canvas, complete with religious complexity & plenty of political infighting. The central OC is well drawn, with a believable worldview very different from Narnian & human characters

[Added 05/08/2015; Drama; 20,000-50,000; Narnian Chronicles; Characters: Axartha Tarkaan, Rabadash, Ilgamuth Tarkaan, Rishti Tisroc, Ahoshta Tarkaan, Peridan, Susan Pevensie, OCs]

Stick In the Mud by Transposable Element

'"The Tree is down," she said. / Even Mudbank wasn't prepared for that. For the first time, Pikebeak saw what a Wiggle looked like when his normally glum expression turned to shock and horror.' The beginning of the long winter from the unique perspective of the Marsh-wiggles, with interesting worldbuilding and a suitably understated humour. If, like me, you're a fan of this most underficced of Narnian races, TE has written a few other stories, including Catch, a charming tale of Puddleglum's courtship

[Added 11/12/2018; Drama; 2500-6000; Narnian Chronicles; Characters: Original characters]

Stillwater Feast by Edonohana

'"We were all preparing for the Stillwater Feast when that naughty child slipped away," said the Sea King. "We hold it every year in a place where there are no currents, and all the world is still and quiet. You would honor us with your presence."' An all-too-brief vignette that feels just like an episode from The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, with fascinating tidbits on underwater cuisine & some great Lewis asides

[Added 23/12/2018; Drama; 1000-2500; Narnian Chronicles; Characters: Edmund Pevensie, Lucy Pevensie, OCs]