ST: Next Generation
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From Me to Q by Julia Houston
Interesting alien species, plausible crew characterisations, plus a plot, to boot! An oldie but a goodie
[Added 21/01/2005; Drama; 20,000-50,000; ST: Next Generation; Characters: Q, Jean-Luc Picard, Data, Will Riker, Deanna Troi, Beverly Crusher, Geordi La Forge, OCs]
The Institute by Ventura33
'The groundskeeper, looking up from her petunias, almost smiled, but not quite. That was one of the last human attributes to return...' A quiet vignette which uses believable details to make one imagine the unimaginable. Sequel to The Relevance of Hope & Imperfection, but I think it stands well alone
[Added 08/07/2004; Drama; 1000-2500; ST: Next Generation; Characters: Jean-Luc Picard, OC]
Laid Bare by sixbeforelunch
'A Vulcan patient with an emotional disorder was always a challenge. The problem, aside from the risk that their condition would be exacerbated by shame, was that all of the first line treatments for mood disorders--cognitive behavioral therapies, awareness and mindfulness, biofeedback-guided meditation--were things that Vulcans practiced from childhood.' A novella-length medical casefic that feels just like a lost Deanna-centric episode. As ever, Sixbeforelunch's Vulcan worldbuilding is fascinating, and her OCs soon come to feel like previously unencountered crew members. The ensemble cast delineates Deanna's relationships with most of the crew but there's a particular joy to seeing her work with Beverley, a relationship ignored by most fanfiction
[Added 10/12/2018; Drama; 20,000-50,000; ST: Next Generation; Characters: Deanna Troi, Will Riker, Beverley Crusher, Selar, Taurik, Jean-Luc Picard, Data, Alyssa Ogawa, Worf, OCs]
Naming of Parts (the Strange Charm Remix) by Naraht
'Snow's starkness bore some similarities to the desert sands of Vulcan. It was only upon close inspection that it resolved itself into the exotic form of water ice, biting and changeable.' A beautifully characterised Vulcan OC struggles with human culture in this crossover with ST:XI. Remix of Seekingferret's Rhapsody in Red, which gives Geordi's perspective
[Added 18/10/2011; Character Piece; 1000-2500; ST: Next Generation; Characters: OCs, Geordi La Forge, Data]
Vacation by Pensnest
'He had attended nine concerts, seven theatre matinÉes, a dynamo racing event, a game of football, and a Tudor-style banquet of dubious authenticity, and had even lain in the sun for five minutes and seventeen seconds while he read twenty-four escapist novels.' It's easy to poke fun at Data's naiveté, but Pensnest succeeds in pinning down the android's essential naturees, a dynamo racing event, a game of football, and a Tudor-style banquet of dubious authenticity, and had even lain in the sun for five minutes and seventeen seconds while he read twenty-four escapist novels.' It's easy to poke fun at Data's naivetÉ, but Pensnest succeeds in pinning down the android's essential nature
[Added 18/10/2011; Humour; 2500-6000; ST: Next Generation; Characters: Data, OCs]