Compiled by the Espresso Addict

Espresso Recommendations

Innovative and stylish fanfiction, showcasing the very best across multiple sf, fantasy & literature fandoms. Good writing in all its forms can be found here, including gen, het, slash, OCs, AUs, crossovers, future fics, humour & pastiche

Contents: 1010 recs in 235 fandoms; 65 links


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Dark Sands by Penintime

'The women of the island Sort are known in all the Reaches for their craft. They collect the lumps of black volcanic glass that wash up on the dark sands which gave the island its name, and use arcane methods to shape them into ethereal vessels.' An unusual, unpredictable story with the feel of a fairy tale set in Earthsea. The ending is perfect

[Added 28/05/2012; Drama; 1000-2500; Earthsea; Characters: Original characters]

The Ending From the Beginning by Northland

'Even before she fled the Place of the Tombs, Penthe had never been a very good priestess. She had not been one of the novices who could read omens in the flight of birds or the spattered blood of a sacrifice. Still, she knew that the messengers must have something to do with the Place. Who else would ride such fine beasts to seek out an old farmwife in the hill country of Atuan?' A thoughtful take on a future Penthe, which answers a question I'd also pondered. Northland does a good job of fusing Tombs of Atuan with later canon, almost (dare I say it) better than Le Guin herself

[Added 27/12/2017; Drama; 1000-2500; Earthsea; Characters: Penthe, OCs]

The Eye and the Storm by Pene

'The cliffs there are a honeycomb of rock faces and tiny caves. Seppel set his treasure there. He rested curved sticks in hollows, placed shells carefully on ledges and glued shiny stones to rock walls in an instinctive and increasing pattern.' An unusual story with a strong sense of place, which feels like a lost chapter from Tales from Earthsea

[Added 04/10/2013; Drama; 2500-6000; Earthsea; Characters: Seppel, OCs]

The Ghost of Orrimy by Rosie Rues

'Now, it came about that, in the days when there was still an Archmage on Roke, a restless spirit arose in the hills above Orrimy, and came down into the town with the winter.' A lovely fable with a great dash of wry humour

[Added 19/01/2011; Drama; 2500-6000; Earthsea; Characters: Ged, Doorkeeper, OCs]

The Minnow and the Dragon by Raspberryhunter

'Yarrow had been rather hoping that they might go to Orret's shop to see if new silks had come from Lorbanery. Since Fennel's birth her beloved loom had sat mostly idle in the corner of their house. Yet still she loved to run the fine threads through her fingers, deep sapphire and flaming crimson flowing like water through her hands.' Lovely short, very much in the spirit of the early trilogy, in which Yarrow & Vetch share a brief adventure. Sweet but never cloying, with an ending that brought tears to my eyes

[Added 23/12/2017; Drama; 2500-6000; Earthsea; Characters: Yarrow, Vetch, OCs]

The Naming of Names by Victoria P.

'His eyes widen. "Orglath," he whispers, naming them in the Speech of the Making. She shivers involuntarily -- to name a thing is to call it, and the orglath are far too close for such casual mention.' Victoria does a surprisingly convincing job of melding Earthsea and Buffy canon in this short piece. I only wish it were longer!

[Added 15/12/2004; Drama; 1000-2500; Earthsea; Characters: Ged, Ogion, OC; Crossover]

The Song of the Silent by Werecat

'When the candles have burned down, when the people lie in deep, leaden sleep and silence fills the halls, another feast commences.' This tale of otaks at the Sunreturn literally gives a voice to the silent. An unusual & moving short

[Added 25/04/2009; Drama; <1000; Earthsea; Characters: OCs]

Thistledown by Edo no Hana

'"I want to speak to dragons, and sail to the end of the world, and never eat another rutabaga."' This slow-burning vignette does an excellent job of melding the prosaic & the magical

[Added 19/01/2011; Drama; 1000-2500; Earthsea; Characters: Ged, Vetch, Yarrow, OC]

The Veins of the Forest by Ellen Fremedon

'Metteir wore the crimson standard as her cloak all winter and spring. And when in summer she bore a son, she swaddled him in it, and she called him Azver, which is 'war-banner' in the Kargish tongue.' Luscious prose studded with precise details characterises this backstory, which could come straight from Tales of Earthsea

[Added 03/01/2007; Drama; 2500-6000; Earthsea; Characters: Azver, OCs]