Wesley Wyndham-Price
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Blood Types by tkp
'When she opens her vein for you, she opens up an atlas.' Unusual Angel character study which focuses on his vampiric nature, with rich poetic writing. Some vignettes are stronger than others, but there are novel insights to be had
[Added 10/02/2011; Character Piece; 1000-2500; Angel; Characters: Angel, Darla, Drusilla, Buffy Summers, Kate Lockley, Wesley Wyndham-Price; Adult]
Crave by Rheanna
'He felt hungry when he woke up. He always did.' Rheanna writes AtS as well as any of the series writers, and this novella is among her best
[Added 15/01/2004; Drama; 20,000-50,000; Angel; Characters: Angel, Cordelia Chase, Wesley Wyndham-Price]
In the Waiting by Rheanna
'I got junk mail, and sometimes I got parking tickets; I didn’t get kidnapped. I felt like a movie extra who has suddenly and unaccountably become part of the main plot.' Lovely example of a story seen through the eyes of an original character
[Added 15/01/2004; Drama; 6000-20,000; Angel; Characters: Angel, Cordelia Chase, Wesley Wyndham-Price, OC]
Lost in the Supermarket by Lint
'"If you behave yourself," he offers, "I'll let you push the trolley." ' It's a bit rough around the edges, perhaps, but this quiet piece is well worth a try for its plausible characterisation of Illyria
[Added 09/08/2004; Character Piece; 2500-6000; Angel; Characters: Illyria, Wesley Wyndham-Price]
The Periodic Table of Wesley by Dana Woods
'Cadmium bars scream, too, when they're bent.' I've never been quite sure that this short captures Wesley's character, but it's worth a try for the Fred voice alone, one of the best I've encountered
[Added 25/05/2012; Character Piece; <1000; Angel; Characters: Fred Burkle, Wesley Wyndham-Price]
Seven Virtues from a Broken Hill by Minim Calibre
Seven virtues, seven drabbles & one hell of a great summary of just how far Wesley's travelled
[Added 28/01/2004; Character Piece; <1000; Angel; Characters: Wesley Wyndham-Price]
Shaken, Not Stirred by FayJay
An inebriated Wesley, perfect pacing, gorgeous details and great dialogue -- what more could a gal want?
[Added 28/01/2004; Drama; 2500-6000; Angel; Characters: Wesley Wyndham-Price, Lilah Morgan, Lorne]
These Reasonable Taboos by Glossolalia
Glossolalia has captured Connor's inner voice incredibly well, as he tries to remain true to himself in the moral maze that is LA. Highly recommended
[Added 12/02/2004; Character Piece; 6000-20,000; Angel; Characters: Connor, Wesley Wyndham-Price, Fred Burkle, Charles Gunn]
William the Bloody Useless and the Beaker of Doom by Roseveare
A lovely early Wesley and a great pissed-off Spike voice combine to make this story compulsive reading (AtS/BtVS)
[Added 28/01/2004; Drama; 2500-6000; Angel; Characters: Wesley Wyndham-Price, Spike]