Fred Burkle
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The Girl in the High Castle by Mosca
'They're not here to win the war; they're here to hold the line, to gain the advantage, to put the right things in the wrong shells and fight the laws of thermodynamics.' This Season 5 AU picks an interesting point to diverge from canon, and develops a believable Fred voice
[Added 01/06/2005; Drama; 2500-6000; Angel; Characters: Fred Burkle, Illyria]
The Periodic Table of Wesley by Dana Woods
'Cadmium bars scream, too, when they're bent.' I've never been quite sure that this short captures Wesley's character, but it's worth a try for the Fred voice alone, one of the best I've encountered
[Added 25/05/2012; Character Piece; <1000; Angel; Characters: Fred Burkle, Wesley Wyndham-Price]