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Blood Types by tkp
'When she opens her vein for you, she opens up an atlas.' Unusual Angel character study which focuses on his vampiric nature, with rich poetic writing. Some vignettes are stronger than others, but there are novel insights to be had
[Added 10/02/2011; Character Piece; 1000-2500; Angel; Characters: Angel, Darla, Drusilla, Buffy Summers, Kate Lockley, Wesley Wyndham-Price; Adult]
Cigarette Break by Christina Kamnikar
'But as most wage-slaves instinctively know, appearances and attitudes hardly matter after a few crises. In the place where the pair actually existed, crises were daily fare, while the trivial appearances were subject to change without any real notice.' A highly unusual conversation piece, set post-'Reunion'
[Added 15/01/2004; Drama; 2500-6000; Angel; Characters: Minor]
A Letter from Screwtape to Mr. Holland Manners by HonorH
A peek at Angel's destiny, from the other side. It's a straightforward crossover, but HonorH rewards the reader with abundant black humour & bags of insight into issues that were often ducked on the show. A real classic (AtS/CS Lewis)
[Added 08/06/2005; Humour; 1000-2500; Angel; Characters: Holland Manners; Crossover]
Things Left Undone by Minnow
Twelve vignettes about things left undone after the Angel finale. The best piece I've seen to follow 'Not Fade Away' without taking away from the episode's impact. Some of the pieces are more interesting than others, but the whole is definitely worth a try
[Added 02/11/2004; Drama; 6000-20,000; Angel; Characters: Minor, Connor, Illyria, Kate Lockley, Faith, OCs]