Compiled by the Espresso Addict

Espresso Recommendations

Innovative and stylish fanfiction, showcasing the very best across multiple sf, fantasy & literature fandoms. Good writing in all its forms can be found here, including gen, het, slash, OCs, AUs, crossovers, future fics, humour & pastiche

Contents: 1010 recs in 235 fandoms; 65 links

Like Water For Chocolate

La Adelita by Eruthros

'Her song mixed with the bean powder, her tears mixed with the onion, and she stirred a soup that made every man brave.' An original & powerful folk tale, steeped in the magical realism of the source. One of my favourites from Yuletide 2009

[Added 01/02/2011; Character Piece; 1000-2500; Like Water For Chocolate]