Compiled by the Espresso Addict

Espresso Recommendations

Innovative and stylish fanfiction, showcasing the very best across multiple sf, fantasy & literature fandoms. Good writing in all its forms can be found here, including gen, het, slash, OCs, AUs, crossovers, future fics, humour & pastiche

Contents: 1010 recs in 235 fandoms; 65 links

ST: Next Generation

Beverly Crusher

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Laid Bare by sixbeforelunch

'A Vulcan patient with an emotional disorder was always a challenge. The problem, aside from the risk that their condition would be exacerbated by shame, was that all of the first line treatments for mood disorders--cognitive behavioral therapies, awareness and mindfulness, biofeedback-guided meditation--were things that Vulcans practiced from childhood.' A novella-length medical casefic that feels just like a lost Deanna-centric episode. As ever, Sixbeforelunch's Vulcan worldbuilding is fascinating, and her OCs soon come to feel like previously unencountered crew members. The ensemble cast delineates Deanna's relationships with most of the crew but there's a particular joy to seeing her work with Beverley, a relationship ignored by most fanfiction

[Added 10/12/2018; Drama; 20,000-50,000; ST: Next Generation; Characters: Deanna Troi, Will Riker, Beverley Crusher, Selar, Taurik, Jean-Luc Picard, Data, Alyssa Ogawa, Worf, OCs]

The Speed of Sound by Kyra Cullinan

' had seemed so unfathomable that everything which passed between them was filtered through electrons and biogel packs, carefully selecting the best way to translate idioms, convey emotion.' A delicate study of character & relationship via language

[Added 14/07/2009; Romance/Erotica; <1000; ST: Next Generation; Characters: Beverly Crusher, Jean-Luc Picard]