Compiled by the Espresso Addict

Espresso Recommendations

Innovative and stylish fanfiction, showcasing the very best across multiple sf, fantasy & literature fandoms. Good writing in all its forms can be found here, including gen, het, slash, OCs, AUs, crossovers, future fics, humour & pastiche

Contents: 1010 recs in 235 fandoms; 65 links

Mansfield Park

Mary Crawford

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As the Starling Said by Minerva McTabby

'Mary soon developed the habit of speaking a sufficiency of words while telling nothing at all. Indeed, there was nothing to tell; she had not seen Henry since it all began, though not for any lack of wishing or striving on her part.' Well-written pastiche, with a particularly strong insight into the incurably optimistic Mary Crawford. For those unwilling to be convinced by Austen slash, there's also a shorter, slash-free version

[Added 06/08/2009; Drama; 6000-20,000; Mansfield Park; Characters: Mary Crawford, Maria Rushworth, Lady Stornaway, Admiral Crawford, Mrs Norris]

Everingham by Katharine T

'Thus Mr. Crawford won his way with a little art, which Fanny would have been ashamed to practice. His end was good, and his means had no real bad in them. He mostly spoke with sincerity, and if he exaggerated just a little, who could blame him?' Long satisfying AU in which, rather than meet Maria Rushworth at a dinner party, Crawford returns to Everingham and courts Fanny in earnest. The pastiche isn't quite as accomplished as some Austenfics I've recommended, but solid characterisations make up for any flaws. Perfect comfort reading if you like to be convinced that rakes are capable of reform

[Added 25/08/2013; Romance/Erotica; 20,000-50,000; Mansfield Park; Characters: Fanny Price, Henry Crawford, Edmund Bertram, Mary Crawford, Susan Price, Mrs Norris, Sir Thomas Bertram, Maria Rushworth]

Love and Marriage by Solvent90

'Henry Crawford found that such of his wife's rusticities as he least adored – and, as the time passed, grew most to deplore – were the ones most resistant to all that town acquaintance and town entertainments could do.' A thoughtful look at how it might have turned out if the novel had ended differently, with characterisations that feel very true to the original. Highly recommended

[Added 17/07/2009; Drama; 2500-6000; Mansfield Park; Characters: Henry Crawford, Fanny Price, Edmund Bertram, Mary Crawford, Maria Rushworth]

Symmetry by Ankaret

'"Then why, pray, are you become a bore, my love? Is your digestion plaguing you, or have you become an Evangelical?"' Delicate conversation piece, which reviews the events of the novel through the Crawfords' eyes

[Added 25/11/2011; Character Piece; 1000-2500; Mansfield Park; Characters: Henry Crawford, Mary Crawford]