Compiled by the Espresso Addict

Espresso Recommendations

Innovative and stylish fanfiction, showcasing the very best across multiple sf, fantasy & literature fandoms. Good writing in all its forms can be found here, including gen, het, slash, OCs, AUs, crossovers, future fics, humour & pastiche

Contents: 1010 recs in 235 fandoms; 65 links

Pride & Prejudice

Lydia, still by Tree

'I do not wish to ever repeat that first night on my own when it was so horrid dark and cold. I thought I should die from it! Papa always said that Lizzy was the only clever one of us but I am certain that I am just as clever as she and maybe even more too.' It's hard to recommend this oddest of crossovers without spoiling it. Strangely moving (P&P/ST:TNG)

[Added 15/10/2015; Drama; 2500-6000; Jane Austen – Pride & Prejudice; Crossover]

The Part of Her Hair by scioscribe

'"It is an unbearable temptation for you, this shaping of conversation into a series of aphorisms." / "It is true, sir, that the prudence necessary to resist scarcely runs in my family, and it is fortunate for us, else my sisters and I would not have been, had you not indulged."' A more mature, but still recognisable Mary embarks on her first romance. It's interesting to view the rest of the extended family through her eyes, with Mr Bennet & Lydia shining particularly brightly. I also enjoyed the way that each of Mary's sisters helps in her own way

[Added 13/12/2018; Romance/Erotica; 6000-20,000; Jane Austen – Pride & Prejudice]

The Pine-Apple of Discord by A T Rain

'There are certain married couples who are in the habit of speaking without words, whose mutual sympathy is so deep that every glance carries a world of meaning. Mr. and Mrs. Collins were not, ordinarily, one of those couples.' An unusually sympathetic look at the Collins' marriage, with spot-on characterisations of both Charlotte & her husband

[Added 06/08/2015; Humour; 1000-2500; Jane Austen – Pride & Prejudice]

Profanation of Our Joys by Malini

'I can say what I will of him without fear of contradiction, as a nobody in a sea of nobodies, and I am absurdly injured to be beneath contempt. Have I ever sought anything other than his contempt? His friendship got me nowhere.' Pride & Prejudice slash is hard to pull off, but Malini weaves Darcy/Wickham into canon so thoroughly that it underlies all Wickham's actions

[Added 25/08/2013; Romance/Erotica; 2500-6000; Jane Austen – Pride & Prejudice]