Multifandom fanfiction recommendations

Innovative and stylish fanfiction, showcasing the very best across multiple sf, fantasy & literature fandoms. Good writing in all its forms can be found here, including gen, het, slash, OCs, AUs, crossovers, future fics, humour & pastiche. Linked stories may not be suitable for children

Narnian Chronicles

Lucy Pevensie

Another Country by Jay Tryfanstone

'She had blue eyes, Susan, a blue so dark it was almost black, and skin as white as the flesh of a snowberry...' An ambiguous, dangerous tale

[Added 30/12/2005; Drama; 1000-2500; Narnian Chronicles; Characters: Jill Pole, Susan Pevensie, Eustace Scrubb, Peter Pevensie, Edmund Pevensie, Lucy Pevensie, Jewel, Puzzle]

Between by Genarti

'She had a vague idea that she would go home to Mother and Father, and everything would be just as it always had been. Even at the train station, when it took her a full minute to recognize her mother, and when she only realized that the anxious, hollow-cheeked, limping man in the brown jacket was Father because he was standing next to Mother, she still thought it would turn out all right.' Problem-of-Susan stories tend to either demonise Aslan or canonise Susan. Genarti falls into neither extreme; this fix could have written by Lewis, if he'd grown out of his fear of women

[Added 28/02/2014; Character Piece; 2500-6000; Narnian Chronicles; Characters: Susan Pevensie, Lucy Pevensie, Mr & Mrs Pevensie]

Carpetbaggers by Cofax

'Rhea blinked at him, and her ears relaxed a little, swiveling outwards. She turned that dark gaze on Edmund, Susan, and Lucy, before looking back at Peter. "You appear somewhat short of courtiers, good king."' A long satisfying novel exploring how the Pevensies established their reign after Aslan left, with many & varied adventures along the way for each of the sibs. There is thoughtful worldbuilding, and a large supporting cast of OCs & minors. Cofax treads a delicate balance in adding depth & complexity to canon, including some very dark themes, while remaining very close to its spirit. Deservedly a classic. The Cave in Deerfield, also recommended, forms a brief prequel that explores one of the novel's darker ideas

[Added 20/10/2017; Drama; >50,000; Narnian Chronicles; Characters: Susan, Edmund, Lucy, Peter Pevensie, Tumnus, Peridan, sallowpad, Mr Beaver, OCs]

From the grove of cypress and yellow rose by Redsnake05

'Tumnus was brought forth at midsummer, from under a tangle of yellow roses nestled in the bend of a small, sweet stream. His father was scratched and his arms ran with blood from a multitude of little cuts as he drew Tumnus out of the undergrowth and into the world.' A fascinating origin story for Tumnus, which does a good job of melding high & cosy Narnia

[Added 05/07/2016; Character Piece; 2500-6000; Narnian Chronicles; Characters: Tumnus, Jadis, Lucy Pevensie, Pan, OCs]

Further Up and Further In by Kyra Cullinan

'It's he always gives us journeys.' The new Narnia, in ripples outwards from Tirian & Jewel. Lovely details and a very canonical feel

[Added 03/01/2007; Drama; 1000-2500; Narnian Chronicles; Characters: Tirian, Jewel, Lucy Pevensie, Jill Pole, Eustace Scrubb, Edmund Pevensie, Susan Pevensie, Puddleglum, Tumnus, Aslan]

The Lady Running by Tea Roses

'Lucy...wasn't entirely innocent; she knew the ways of fauns and the things they desired.' Narnia was always more sensual than Lewis allowed, and Tea Roses' tale captures this aspect, without losing any of the delicacy & humour of the original

[Added 11/11/2008; Romance/Erotica; 1000-2500; Narnian Chronicles; Characters: Lucy Pevensie, Tumnus]

Oathkeeper by WingedFlight

'Aravis had heard of Edmund Wandbreaker before — everyone in Calormen had heard the stories. This was the boy who, upon witnessing the death of his brother at the hands of the White Witch, had shattered her wand and escaped into the winter wilds with naught but his life.' A clever, vivid AU in which another witch takes the place of Jadis. Unrelentingly dark, but wholly believable

[Added 05/07/2016; Drama; 2500-6000; Narnian Chronicles; Characters: Lucy Pevensie, Edmund Pevensie, Aravis, Tumnus]

Stillwater Feast by Edonohana

'"We were all preparing for the Stillwater Feast when that naughty child slipped away," said the Sea King. "We hold it every year in a place where there are no currents, and all the world is still and quiet. You would honor us with your presence."' An all-too-brief vignette that feels just like an episode from The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, with fascinating tidbits on underwater cuisine & some great Lewis asides

[Added 23/12/2018; Drama; 1000-2500; Narnian Chronicles; Characters: Edmund Pevensie, Lucy Pevensie, OCs]

The Traitor, the Witch, and the Lovers by Katie Vieceli

'He knew she liked it when he took control. It gave her hope that he might still embrace the cruel serpentine nature she had awakened in him oh so long ago with an innocent gift of hot chocolate and Turkish Delight.' Everyone and their pet iguana has rec'd this, years ago, but I couldn't resist. A dark & twisted AU for the Narnia series that would have CS Lewis turning in his grave. Not for the faint at heart

[Added 08/07/2004; Drama; 2500-6000; Narnian Chronicles; Characters: Edmund Pevensie, Jadis, Lucy Pevensie, Tumnus, Mrs Beaver, Peter Pevensie, Susan Pevensie; Adult]

Compiled by the Espresso Addict