Multifandom fanfiction recommendations

Innovative and stylish fanfiction, showcasing the very best across multiple sf, fantasy & literature fandoms. Good writing in all its forms can be found here, including gen, het, slash, OCs, AUs, crossovers, future fics, humour & pastiche. Linked stories may not be suitable for children

Narnian Chronicles

Jadis, the White Witch

From the grove of cypress and yellow rose by Redsnake05

'Tumnus was brought forth at midsummer, from under a tangle of yellow roses nestled in the bend of a small, sweet stream. His father was scratched and his arms ran with blood from a multitude of little cuts as he drew Tumnus out of the undergrowth and into the world.' A fascinating origin story for Tumnus, which does a good job of melding high & cosy Narnia

[Added 05/07/2016; Character Piece; 2500-6000; Narnian Chronicles; Characters: Tumnus, Jadis, Lucy Pevensie, Pan, OCs]

Green as Poison by Ncfan

'She has seen no scales on her skin, and neither is her tongue forked.' An origin story for the Lady of the Green Kirtle that weaves together hints from canon to end with an intriguing possibility

[Added 23/05/2015; Character Piece; 1000-2500; Narnian Chronicles; Characters: Lady of the Green Kirtle, Jadis]

A High and Lonely Destiny by Elizabeth Culmer

'This is the story Jadis learned when she was three years old, told by an under-nurse with salt-pale skin and a missing left thumb, as she braided Jadis's hair into a crown: / "Long and long ago, in another world, the god El grew bored and lonely. So he made Lilith from salt and sun and Adam from earth and shadow..."' Elizabeth deftly entwines multiple tales within a tale with a suitably nasty history for Jadis. Beautifully written & inventive

[Added 11/12/2018; Character Piece; 2500-6000; Narnian Chronicles; Characters: Jadis, Jadis's sister, Lilith, OCs]

The Last Defense of Cair Paravel by Cofax

'In those days, the Earl of Lantern Waste was a Human named Shandon, who was descended through many mothers from King Frank himself, although several of her fathers were river-gods rather than Human.' This unusual short puts forward some interesting hypotheses about the peculiar relationship between Narnia & humans, and features an excellent OC

[Added 20/10/2017; Drama; 2500-6000; Narnian Chronicles; Characters: Jadis, OCs]

Not Gods, But Demons by Kastaka

'They had come to her in the night, three shadows in her room, winged and clawed and fanged.' The villain's point of view is always interesting, and this vignette, set before The Magician's Nephew, strikes the right balance between humanising Jadis & portraying her utter ruthlessness

[Added 11/11/2008; Drama; 1000-2500; Narnian Chronicles; Characters: Jadis, original characters]

The Traitor, the Witch, and the Lovers by Katie Vieceli

'He knew she liked it when he took control. It gave her hope that he might still embrace the cruel serpentine nature she had awakened in him oh so long ago with an innocent gift of hot chocolate and Turkish Delight.' Everyone and their pet iguana has rec'd this, years ago, but I couldn't resist. A dark & twisted AU for the Narnia series that would have CS Lewis turning in his grave. Not for the faint at heart

[Added 08/07/2004; Drama; 2500-6000; Narnian Chronicles; Characters: Edmund Pevensie, Jadis, Lucy Pevensie, Tumnus, Mrs Beaver, Peter Pevensie, Susan Pevensie; Adult]

Triptych by redsnake05

'She struggled against the sweet red loam, pulling a heavy dark stone from her chest as she coalesced from the earth of her shaping.' A strange, powerful story of Jadis, Lilith & Aslan that reads like a cross between Narnia and the Old Testament, and raises fascinating questions about free will vs the bonds of love

[Added 11/12/2018; Drama; 2500-6000; Narnian Chronicles; Characters: Jadis, Lilith, Aslan, Cain, OCs]

Compiled by the Espresso Addict