Multifandom fanfiction recommendations

Innovative and stylish fanfiction, showcasing the very best across multiple sf, fantasy & literature fandoms. Good writing in all its forms can be found here, including gen, het, slash, OCs, AUs, crossovers, future fics, humour & pastiche. Linked stories may not be suitable for children

Good Omens

Biblical figure

Da Capo Aria by Lady Oneiros

'I like the stars the best. They are always ready to die, and they never say a word.' An unusual story with a deft mixture of humour & pathos, plus a host of delightful cameos, as Aziraphale becomes Death for the day

[Added 26/04/2007; Drama; 6000-20,000; Good Omens; Characters: Aziraphale, God, Death, Crowley, Pestilence, Lucifer, Beelzebub]

East of Eden by Shati

'"Our mum said no talking to serpents," said Cain. "She said serpents was evil liars."' Some passages in the Bible just seem to cry out for GO treatment. Shati's version of events is ever so plausible

[Added 27/07/2005; Drama; 2500-6000; Good Omens; Characters: Crowley, Aziraphale, Biblical]

Intent by Honey

'Paul (formerly Saul, Rome's favorite persecutor of Christians, women, homosexuals, and people they just didn't like) was now a full time Christian missionary, as well as a part time sidewalk preacher, miracle worker, and, if he'd had enough wine, interpretive dancer.' One of the neatest things about GO fanfiction is the liberty to re-envisage tricky parts of the Bible, and Honey's picked a winner here. Highly amusing

[Added 27/07/2005; Drama; 2500-6000; Good Omens; Characters: Crowley, Aziraphale, Biblical]

It Came Upon A Midnight Clear by Daegaer

'What bit of "Fear not" was unclear?' Aziraphale & Crowley team up over the birth of an earlier supernatural being. Nicely in tune with canon, with precise details & some hilarious touches. Probably my favourite amongst Daegaer's prolific & varied GO output

[Added 22/07/2005; Drama; 2500-6000; Good Omens; Characters: Crowley, Aziraphale, Biblical]

Compiled by the Espresso Addict