Multifandom fanfiction recommendations

Innovative and stylish fanfiction, showcasing the very best across multiple sf, fantasy & literature fandoms. Good writing in all its forms can be found here, including gen, het, slash, OCs, AUs, crossovers, future fics, humour & pastiche. Linked stories may not be suitable for children

Twin Peaks

Denise/Dennis Bryson

Dweller on the Threshold by Nemo the Everbeing

'His smile was sharper than she remembered. "I don't know if that's something you get to decide, Audrey. Good days, bad days ... it's a crapshoot, and the table just might be rigged."' This braided ensemble novella unfolds slowly but surely to reveal the best fix to the series finale I've encountered

[Added 14/04/2015; Drama; 20,000-50,000; Twin Peaks; Characters: Albert Rosenfield, Audrey Horne, Bob, Dale Cooper, Denise Bryson, Harry Truman, Mike, Ed Hurley, Margaret Lanterman, Garland Briggs, Sarah Palmer, 'Hawk' Hill, White/Black Lodge characters]

The Magician Longs To See by St Aurafina

'He identified Agent Horne by her age: she was the only female agent under thirty in the room. Neat and slender, she perched on an office chair as if it were a velvet covered throne, legs neatly crossed and a distant expression on her face.' This inventive novella-length case file, an X-Files crossover set ten years after the end of Twin Peaks, starts out slowly but soon accelerates to deliver just enough twists to satisfy. The Lynchian weirdness is dialled down a bit for my taste, but some unexpected insights into the characters' futures make up for any lack. There's also a prequel, Say Goodbye (To the World You Thought You Lived In), set immediately after the series (mind the warnings on this one)

[Added 10/01/2014; Drama; 20,000-50,000; Twin Peaks; Characters: Audrey Horne, Albert Rosenfield, Dale Cooper, BOB, Bobby Briggs, Mike Nelson, Donna Hayward, Denise Bryson, Johnny Horne, Margaret Lanterman, Deputy Hawk, ensemble, Fox Mulder, Dana Skully (X-Files), OCs; Crossover]

The Tender Boughs of Innocence by Amatara

'This corpse was in worse shape than the first, but the connection was unmistakable: those same tight, intricate shapes, chiseled in bloody streaks across the torso. Albert was reminded, suddenly and vividly, of the spirograph he'd owned as a kid.' A suitably spooky casefic, with perfect characterisation for the younger Albert as he investigates his first Blue Rose case. The cameos from Fire Walk With Me & the series are a bonus

[Added 04/10/2013; Drama; 2500-6000; Twin Peaks; Characters: Albert Rosenfield, Chet Desmond, Denise Bryson, Gordon Cole, Dale Cooper]

Compiled by the Espresso Addict