Multifandom fanfiction recommendations

Innovative and stylish fanfiction, showcasing the very best across multiple sf, fantasy & literature fandoms. Good writing in all its forms can be found here, including gen, het, slash, OCs, AUs, crossovers, future fics, humour & pastiche. Linked stories may not be suitable for children

Blake's 7

Roj Blake

Church Going by KindKit

'Above ground, fragments of wall lift towards the empty sky where heaven used to be.' An unusual, evocative piece which packs a lot into a very few words

[Added 15/07/2008; Character Piece; <1000; Blake's 7; Characters: Roj Blake]

Four Years after the Revolution by Ika

A bittersweet AU in which the destruction of Star One went as planned, and everyone lives happily ever after. An unusual vignette which made me think about the nature of revolution

[Added 21/12/2003; Character Piece; <1000; Blake's 7; Characters: Roj Blake, Kerr Avon]

Future Perfect by Ika

'I'm labour pool. This week my job is in Morsa. They're a mining corp with extensive interests in various planets, the names of which I forget as soon as I've copied them out.' Ika has a gift for finding new angles on the B7 universe via believable original characters. A standout piece from the excellent zine Sleer as Folk

[Added 15/12/2004; Drama; 6000-20,000; Blake's 7; Characters: Roj Blake, OCs]

Gemini Rising by Suzan Lovett

A young rebel clashes with the authorities. This thoughtful story is my favourite among Suzan's B7 fiction

[Added 21/12/2003; Drama; 6000-20,000; Blake's 7; Characters: Kerr Avon, Roj Blake, OC]

The Last Days of Roj Blake by Una McCormack

The President has been deposed, the Administration lies in ruins, but the fighting isn't over yet... A chillingly plausible AU

[Added 16/04/2003; Drama; 2500-6000; Blake's 7; Characters: Roj Blake, Kerr Avon, Cally, Jenna Stannis, Vila Restal, Avalon]

Memory is an Encumbrance by Julia Stamford

Mutoids are one of the more interesting properties of the Blake's 7 universe. Julia Stamford's moral fable runs with the titular line of dialogue from the mutoid in 'Duel', presenting thoughts on identity, personality & memory that reach well beyond the B7 setting. This was another of my very favourites from Emma Peel's stand-out zine I, Mutoid

[Added 31/10/2004; Drama; 2500-6000; Blake's 7; Characters: Kerr Avon, Roj Blake, Olag Gan, OC]

Purple Haze by Executrix

Sexual politics meets revolutionary politics in this delicious series of interlinked shorts. This is one of my all-time favourites amongst Executrix's immensely varied and stylish output

[Added 16/04/2003; Drama; 2500-6000; Blake's 7; Characters: Roj Blake, Kerr Avon, Jenna Stannis, Inga, Hal Mellanby, Kasabi, OCs]

The Seven Deadly Virtuals by Penny Dreadful

Written for the Seven Deadly Virtues challenge, Penny has produced a story that could easily be published as original sf, yet still reflects the heart of the show. Original, quirky, funny, memorable

[Added 21/12/2003; Drama; 2500-6000; Blake's 7; Characters: Roj Blake, Travis, OCs]

Compiled by the Espresso Addict