A list of fan-written stories & poems for the Earthsea series by Ursula Le Guin. Compiled by the Espresso Addict


I Knew Thee First, by Aki-Chan04 (general)
Summary: Just an incredibly short snippet towards the end of The Farthest Shore. Ged/Arren cuteness

Available at: Fanfiction.net, Unusual Liasons
Length: short vignette
Main characters: Ged, Lebannen
Pairing: m/m
Source: The Farthest Shore
Time set: During Earthsea Quartet
Date published: 2004

Unspoken, the Name for Home, by Allie (general)
Summary: There is always the next thing to do. Post-Tehanu

Available at: Yuletide
Length: long vignette
Main characters: Ged, Tenar, Tehanu
Pairing: m/f
Source: Tehanu
Time set: Between Tehanu & The Other Wind
Date published: 2008
Written for: Yuletide 2008

Good News, by Amy Fortuna (general)
Summary: Lebannen tries to get through to Ged after the events in The Farthest Shore

Available at: Archive Of Our Own
Length: ficlet
Main characters: Lebannen, Ged
Pairing: m/m
Source: The Farthest Shore
Time set: During Earthsea Quartet
Date published: 2009

The White Lady of Gont, by Annasibs (general)
Summary: In escaping Atuan, Tenar thought she has finally freed herself from the hold of the Nameless Ones. But there, in the shining towers of Havnor, she finds that even there, shadows lurk

Available at: Fanfiction.net
Length: novelette
Main characters: Tenar, Ged, OC(s)
Pairing: m/f
Source: Tombs of Atuan
Time set: During Earthsea Quartet
Date published: 2002

When the Hawk Flew Home, by Annasibs (general)
Summary: Ged finally comes home to his wife. Based on The Farthest Shore; written before reading Tehanu

Available at: Fanfiction.net
Length: long story
Main characters: Ged, Tenar, Lebannen
Pairing: m/f
Source: The Farthest Shore
Time set: During Earthsea Quartet
Date published: 2002

Lookfar, by Antosha (teen)
Summary: 'As Tenar slept, Ged sailed on and considered.' Ged/Tenar

Available at: Kia Repository, Livejournal
Length: drabble
Main characters: Ged, Tenar
Pairing: m/f
Source: Tombs of Atuan
Time set: During Earthsea Quartet
Date published: 2006

Naming the Land, by Antosha (mature)
Summary: They lay that night on the hearthstones and there Tenar taught Ged the mystery that the wisest man could not teach him. (Tenar/Ged, Tehanu missing scene)

Available at: Livejournal
Length: short story
Main characters: Ged, Tenar
Pairing: m/f
Source: Tehanu
Time set: During Earthsea Quartet
Date published: 2006

A True Love, by Arisaswordheart (general)
Summary: A short one-shot about Tenar and Ged. They've always loved each other, but never could really get together. What has Ged been feeling and going through?

Available at: Fanfiction.net
Length: short vignette
Main characters: Ged, Tenar
Pairing: m/f
Source: Tombs of Atuan, Tehanu
Time set: During Earthsea Quartet
Date published: 2008

Uneaten, by Avanti_90 (general)
Summary: Four paths that Tenar did not take.

Available at: Archive of Our Own, Fanfiction.net
Length: medium story
Main characters: Tenar, Lebannen, Ged
Pairing: none
Source: Tombs of Atuan, Tehanu, The Other Wind
Time set: Multiple
Date published: 2012
Written for: Help Japan

Dreams of Earthsea, by B-Lachelijk (general)
Summary: AU Harry Potter/ Earthsea crossover. The dreams started after you returned home. They are not like any visions or dreams you have had before. Can dreams become a reality?

Available at: FicWad
Crossover with Harry Potter
Length: medium story
Main characters: crossover, Ogion, Ged
Pairing: none
Source: A Wizard of Earthsea
Time set: During Earthsea Quartet
Date published: 2009

Lessons, by Birgit Riddle (general)
Summary: Ged and his thoughts during the first Sunreturn he spends with Tenar and Tehanu.

Available at: Archive Of Our Own
Length: long vignette
Main characters: Ged, Tenar, Tehanu
Pairing: m/f
Source: Tehanu
Time set: During Earthsea Quartet
Date published: 2010
Written for: Yuletide 2010

What now?, by Blackened Raven Wings (general; WIP)
Summary: Ged, Tenar, and Vetch have new struggles with the new found peace. What will happen? Set after the movie

Available at: Fanfiction.net
Length: ficlet
Main characters: Ged, Tenar
Pairing: m/f
Source: Legend of Earthsea (miniseries)
Time set: During Earthsea Quartet
Date published: 2006

Even Beyond All Other Lands, by Bounce (general)
Summary: "He sits on the dragon Kalessin's back, Ged slumped against him, wrapped in his cloak and blankets."

Available at: Silverlake
Length: long vignette
Main characters: Lebannen, Ged
Pairing: m/m
Source: The Farthest Shore, Tehanu
Time set: During Earthsea Quartet
Date published: 2003

As Long Ago As Forever, There Lived a Prince, by Cinaed (general)
Summary: This is a tale of the Archmage and the prince of Enland, of the mountain of Gont and of the kingdom of forests, and of the difference between doing and being. (Arren/Ged, spoilers for The Farthest Shore)

Available at: Yuletide
Length: long vignette
Main characters: Lebannen, Ged
Pairing: m/m
Source: The Farthest Shore
Time set: During Earthsea Quartet
Date published: 2008
Written for: Yuletide 2008

The Song of the Sparrowhawk, by Culumacilinte (general)
Summary: A summary of the book A Wizard of Earthsea in the form of a lay

Available at: Fanfiction.net
Length: long poem
Main characters: Ged
Pairing: none
Source: A Wizard of Earthsea
Time set: During Earthsea Quartet
Date published: 2005

The Farthest Shore, by Dark Star Phoenix (general)
Summary: A poem depicting the events at the end of The Farthest Shore

Available at: Fanfiction.net
Length: short poem
Main characters: Ged, Lebannen
Pairing: none
Source: The Farthest Shore
Time set: During Earthsea Quartet
Date published: 2006

Cold Stars, by Dusk Peterson (teen)
Summary: The prince was told that he must find himself. But what if finding oneself means losing one's love?

Available at: Personal website
Length: long story
Main characters: Lebannen, Ged, Tenar
Pairing: m/m
Source: Tehanu, The Farthest Shore
Time set: During Earthsea Quartet
Date published: 2010

Thistledown, by Edo no Hana (general)
Summary: The deeds of women are not often written into songs.

Available at: Archive Of Our Own, Fanfiction.net
Length: short story
Main characters: Ged, Vetch, Yarrow
Pairing: m/f
Source: A Wizard of Earthsea, The Farthest Shore
Time set: During Earthsea Quartet
Date published: 2009
Written for: Yuletide 2009

Just a Little Problem, by EK Black (general)
Summary: A random shot of our favorite wizard and his High Priestess, set right after The Tombs of Atuan

Available at: Fanfiction.net
Length: short vignette
Main characters: Ged, Tenar
Pairing: m/f
Source: Tombs of Atuan
Time set: During Earthsea Quartet
Date published: 2001

Tehanu's Friends, by EK Black (general)
Summary: A fic set after Tehanu involving her and, of course, our favorite ex-wizard and ex-priestess, yay!

Available at: Fanfiction.net
Length: long vignette
Main characters: Tehanu, Tenar, Ged
Pairing: m/f
Source: Tehanu
Time set: Between Tehanu & The Other Wind
Date published: 2001

Darkness Broken, by Elehal (general)
Summary: Tenar thinks about the first time she saw Ged

Available at: Fanfiction.net
Length: ficlet
Main characters: Tenar, Ged
Pairing: m/f
Source: Tombs of Atuan
Time set: During Earthsea Quartet
Date published: 2011

The Morning Wind Upon the Sea, by Elle_dritch (general)
Summary: From the world's wind to the other wind, from the other wind to the world's wind: the dragons come home.

Available at: Archive Of Our Own
Length: long story
Main characters: Tehanu, Irian, Ged
Pairing: none
Source: The Other Wind, 'Dragonfly'
Time set: After The Other Wind
Date published: 2011
Written for: Yuletide 2011

I Am the Telling of the Story, by Elwen Aiwelinde (general; WIP)
Summary: Ged is called to journey into the far North Reach…

Available at: Fanfiction.net
Length: short vignette
Main characters: Ged, Vetch
Pairing: none
Source: A Wizard of Earthsea
Time set: During Earthsea Quartet
Date published: 2002

The Last Haven, by Elynross (teen)
Summary: On his way to confront fate, Ged learns of destiny and choice, light and dark, and faith. (Ged/Vetch)

Available at: Livejournal, Dreamwidth
Length: medium story
Main characters: Ged, Vetch
Pairing: m/m
Source: A Wizard of Earthsea
Time set: During Earthsea Quartet
Date published: 2003

Of Thistles and Fir Cones, by Firerose (teen)
Summary: Birth, life and death. Three linked vignettes

Available at: Yuletide, Skyehawke, Firerose
Length: long vignette
Main characters: Ged, Ogion
Pairing: m/m
Source: A Wizard of Earthsea, Tehanu
Time set: During Earthsea Quartet
Date published: 2004
Written for: Yuletide 2004

Silver and White, by Firerose (general)
Summary: Sunreturn brings many meetings. Set a few years before The Farthest Shore

Available at: Skyehawke, Firerose, Earthsea Fiction LJ
Length: medium story
Main characters: Ged, Jasper, OC(s)
Pairing: none
Source: A Wizard of Earthsea, The Farthest Shore
Time set: During Earthsea Quartet
Date published: 2005
Written for: Earthsea Ficathon 2005

The King’s Tale, by Ghilanna Faen Tlabbar (general)
Summary: The Tombs of Atuan, beginning from 'Orm Embar'. The name of this lay was first featured in 'Dragonfly'

Available at: Fanfiction.net
Length: long poem
Main characters: Ged, Tenar
Pairing: m/f
Source: Tombs of Atuan
Time set: During Earthsea Quartet
Date published: 2006

Where Blows the Wind, by Iambic (general)
Summary: What Ged will learn, Ogion will teach.

Available at: Archive Of Our Own
Length: long vignette
Main characters: Ogion, Ged
Pairing: none
Source: A Wizard of Earthsea
Time set: During Earthsea Quartet
Date published: 2010

Chasing Shadows, by Isabeau (general)
Summary: Wizards are by their very nature in love with their craft more than anything else, and nothing can surpass that, but Vetch thinks that he is perhaps a bit in love with Sparrowhawk.

Available at: Archive Of Our Own
Length: short story
Main characters: Vetch, Ged
Pairing: m/m
Source: A Wizard of Earthsea
Time set: During Earthsea Quartet
Date published: 2009
Written for: Yuletide 2009

The Shining of the Stars, by Jay Tryfanstone (general)
Summary: For three days and three nights, Ged holds the Door, on Roke.

Available at: Terra Incognita, Archive of Our Own
Length: medium story
Main characters: Ged, Doorkeeper
Pairing: none
Source: A Wizard of Earthsea
Time set: During Earthsea Quartet
Date published: 2012
Written for: Help Japan

Tibet, by Lobelia (mature)
Summary: Two wizards talk on one of those bright early autumn days, with the air like crystals and the light bouncing off the snow drifts on Mount Chomolangma. Harry Potter/Wizard of Earthsea fusionfic

Available at: Lobelia's Niche
Crossover with Harry Potter
Length: medium story
Main characters: Ged, crossover
Pairing: m/m
Source: Unknown source
Time set: Unknown
Date published: 2006

Black and White, by Look Away (general)
Summary: 'Ged looked around. He was finally here. And at the same time, he was nowhere. This was nowhere. This was the place where dreams go to die.' An expanded ending to A Wizard of Earthsea

Available at: Fanfiction.net
Length: short vignette
Main characters: Ged, Shadow of Ged
Pairing: none
Source: A Wizard of Earthsea
Time set: During Earthsea Quartet
Date published: 2007

Tales from Earthsea: The story of the movie, by LuluLullaby (general)
Summary: The story of Ged, the most powerful wizard in Earthsea, and his attempts to protect Prince Arren from his evil rival Cob. Together with Therru, a girl he rescues from slave takers, Arren unites with Ged to defeat Cob and return balance to the world.

Available at: Fanfiction.net
Length: novella
Main characters: Ged, Lebannen, Tehanu
Pairing: m/f
Source: Gedo Senki (film)
Time set: During Earthsea Quartet
Date published: 2010

Harrekki, by Melannen (general)
Summary: This takes place immediately after the events of Tehanu, and it ought to be merely the beginning of a longer story --- but what story ever ends, really?

Available at: Earthsea Fiction LJ
Length: short vignette
Main characters: Ged, Tenar, Tehanu
Pairing: none
Source: A Wizard of Earthsea, Tehanu
Time set: Between Tehanu & The Other Wind
Date published: 2005
Written for: Earthsea Fiction LJ Challenge

Feeling Liquid Velvet, by Michiru Takamuni (general)
Summary: Arha is contemplating what to do with Sparrowhawk at the Place of the Tombs. What will she do with the mage that has defiled the Undertomb and is now lying in the Great Treasure Room?

Available at: Fanfiction.net
Length: short vignette
Main characters: Tenar, Ged
Pairing: m/f
Source: Tombs of Atuan
Time set: During Earthsea Quartet
Date published: 2004

When a Sparrowhawk Cries, by Michiru Takamuni (general)
Summary: Tenar wants more action in her life. When a strange mage appears in the Tombs, her life and her own values are put at stake. Will they change? Is this handsome young wizard more than what he seems?

Available at: Fanfiction.net
Length: short vignette
Main characters: Tenar, Ged
Pairing: m/f
Source: Tombs of Atuan
Time set: During Earthsea Quartet
Date published: 2006

Sparkweed, by Minerva McTabby (teen)
Summary: Ged/Jasper slash. A missing scene set after the Festival of Sunreturn at the end of A Wizard of Earthsea Chapter 3

Available at: Yuletide, Skyehawke, Fanfiction.net
Length: medium story
Main characters: Ged, Jasper
Pairing: m/m
Source: A Wizard of Earthsea
Time set: During Earthsea Quartet
Date published: 2004
Written for: Yuletide 2004

Illusions, by Miss Morland (general)
Summary: 'Some of the younger boys were practising illusions on a field behind the school.' Jasper-centric ficlet

Available at: Livejournal
Length: ficlet
Main characters: Jasper, Ged
Pairing: m/m
Source: A Wizard of Earthsea
Time set: During Earthsea Quartet
Date published: 2009

Other Dances, by Miss Morland (general)
Summary: "Tehanu," she said, her voice muffled against Ged's neck. "She's growing up."

Available at: Archive Of Our Own
Length: long vignette
Main characters: Tenar, Tehanu, Ged
Pairing: m/f
Source: Tehanu
Time set: Between Tehanu & The Other Wind
Date published: 2009
Written for: Yuletide 2009

The Shadow Gone, by Miss Morland (general)
Summary: It was late at night when Yarrow retreated, leaving Ged and her brother in front of the fire where they had all been seated, enjoying the food and each other's company and the relief of being back again, safe

Available at: Livejournal
Length: short vignette
Main characters: Ged, Vetch
Pairing: m/m
Source: A Wizard of Earthsea
Time set: During Earthsea Quartet
Date published: 2009
Written for: Earthsea Ficathon 2009

Finding Peace, by Never Again (general)
Summary: 'This was the way she spent many summer afternoons, watching the blanket of gold grass swirl around to the whims of the many Gontish winds..'

Available at: Fanfiction.net
Length: ficlet
Main characters: Tehanu, Ged
Pairing: none
Source: Tehanu
Time set: Between Tehanu & The Other Wind
Date published: 2002

Tenar's Story, by Queen of the Dragons (general)
Summary: The story of Tenar and Ged

Available at: Fanfiction.net
Length: short poem
Main characters: Tenar, Ged, Tehanu
Pairing: m/f
Source: Tombs of Atuan, Tehanu, The Other Wind
Time set: Multiple
Date published: 2004

The Roke Wind, by Quoin (general; WIP)
Summary: There is power in the naming of things in the Old Speech, this is about what might happen if a wizard had no true name

Available at: Fanfiction.net
Length: short story
Main characters: Ged, Doorkeeper, OC(s)
Pairing: none
Source: The Farthest Shore
Time set: During Earthsea Quartet
Date published: 2004

The Heart to Earth Returning, by Raedbard (general)
Summary: He comes to Iffish in the same boat, with salt in his hair, and so the Deed of Ged gets a new stanza. An AU of, or perhaps a prelude to, Tehanu.

Available at: Archive Of Our Own
Length: medium story
Main characters: Vetch, Ged, Yarrow
Pairing: m/m
Source: A Wizard of Earthsea, The Farthest Shore
Time set: During Earthsea Quartet
Date published: 2009
Written for: Yuletide 2009

Radagast Departs, by Ria (general)
Summary: Radagast gets some help returning to Valinor

Available at: Borderland
Crossover with Tolkien
Length: long vignette
Main characters: Ged, crossover
Pairing: none
Source: Unknown source
Time set: Unknown
Date published: 2007

The Ghost of Orrimy, by Rosie Rues (general)
Summary: Once, in the days when there was still an Archmage on Roke, the men of Orrimy sought his help to lay a ghost.

Available at: Archive Of Our Own
Length: medium story
Main characters: Ged, Doorkeeper, OC(s)
Pairing: m/f
Source: The Farthest Shore
Time set: During Earthsea Quartet
Date published: 2010
Written for: Yuletide 2010

Dragonlord, by Sanaryelle (general)
Summary: A story of the time that Ged sailed the Dragon's Run, first met Orm Embar, and was told the truth about the Ring of Erreth Akbe

Available at: Fanfiction.net
Length: medium story
Main characters: Ged, Orm Embar, OC(s)
Pairing: none
Source: Tombs of Atuan
Time set: During Earthsea Quartet
Date published: 2004

Seasons In The Archipelago, by Serenissima (general)
Summary: "And if you ever need me again, call me. I will come. I would come from my grave if you called me, Tenar! But I cannot stay with you." (The Tombs of Atuan)

Available at: Yuletide, Livejournal
Length: long vignette
Main characters: Ged, Tenar
Pairing: m/f
Source: Tombs of Atuan, Tehanu, The Other Wind
Time set: Multiple
Date published: 2004
Written for: Yuletide 2004

Lookfar, by Shimotsuki (general)
Summary: Tenar asks the king if he can find something that Ged once left behind

Available at: Archive Of Our Own
Length: short vignette
Main characters: Tenar, Ged, Tehanu
Pairing: m/f
Source: Tehanu, The Farthest Shore
Time set: Between Tehanu & The Other Wind
Date published: 2011
Written for: Day by Drabble LJ

Lighting the Lamps, by Solvent90 (teen)
Summary: After Tehanu; the request was Ged/Tenar, stories of first love during middle age

Available at: Yuletide, Archive Of Our Own
Length: long vignette
Main characters: Ged, Tenar
Pairing: m/f
Source: Tehanu
Time set: Between Tehanu & The Other Wind
Date published: 2006
Written for: Yuletide 2006

A Wizard of Earthsea: Alternate Ending, by Subtle King (teen)
Summary: A short alternate ending to A Wizard of Earthsea

Available at: Fanfiction.net
Length: short story
Main characters: Ged, Vetch, Jasper
Pairing: none
Source: A Wizard of Earthsea
Time set: During Earthsea Quartet
Date published: 2007

Always Wakeful, by Victoria P. (general)
Summary: "Old age is always wakeful; as if, the longer linked with life, the less man has to do with aught that looks like death." (Moby Dick, Herman Melville)

Available at: Silverlake, Glass Onion, Unfit for Society
Length: ficlet
Main characters: Tenar, Ged
Pairing: m/f
Source: Tehanu
Time set: Between Tehanu & The Other Wind
Date published: 2003
Written for: 15minuteficlets

Even to the Gates of Daylight, by Victoria P. (general)
Summary: He knew he was meant to be here with Ged

Available at: Unfit for Society
Length: ficlet
Main characters: Ged, Vetch
Pairing: m/m
Source: A Wizard of Earthsea
Time set: During Earthsea Quartet
Date published: 2004

Liberation, by Victoria P. (general)
Summary: There is liberation in service

Available at: Unfit for Society
Length: ficlet
Main characters: Tenar, Ged
Pairing: m/f
Source: Tombs of Atuan
Time set: During Earthsea Quartet
Date published: 2004

Not Heavy as Empty, by Victoria P. (general)
Summary: Tenar watches Ged sleep

Available at: Unfit for Society
Length: ficlet
Main characters: Tenar, Ged
Pairing: m/f
Source: Tehanu
Time set: During Earthsea Quartet
Date published: 2004

The Naming of Names, by Victoria P. (general)
Summary: A Slayer meets a wizard

Available at: Glass Onion, Unfit for Society
Crossover with Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Length: short story
Main characters: Ged, Ogion, crossover
Pairing: none
Source: A Wizard of Earthsea
Time set: During Earthsea Quartet
Date published: 2002

Precious Things, by White Lady of the Ring (general)
Summary: Thoughts of love and hatred, trust and betrayal, beginnings and endings, and a goodbye that came all too soon. Ged/Tenar

Available at: Fanfiction.net, Earthsea Fiction LJ
Length: medium story
Main characters: Ged, Tenar
Pairing: m/f
Source: Tombs of Atuan
Time set: During Earthsea Quartet
Date published: 2005
Written for: Earthsea Ficathon 2005

Torment, by White Lady of the Ring (teen; WIP)
Summary: 'She ran through the tunnels, her feet drifting off the floor it seemed, and her soul seemed to leave her body for a moment, pulling it in the wrong directions'

Available at: Fanfiction.net
Length: medium story
Main characters: Tenar, Ged
Pairing: m/f
Source: Tombs of Atuan
Time set: During Earthsea Quartet
Date published: 2004

Naming, by Wild Iris (general)
Summary: Duny first summons a bird

Available at: Speak Again, Fanfiction.net, Earthsea Fiction LJ
Length: drabble
Main characters: Ged
Pairing: none
Source: A Wizard of Earthsea
Time set: During Earthsea Quartet
Date published: 2005
Written for: Earthsea Fiction LJ Challenge

Patterning, by Wild Iris (general)
Summary: Tenar thinks about patterns

Available at: Fanfiction.net, Skyehawke, Speak Again
Length: drabble
Main characters: Tenar, Ged
Pairing: m/f
Source: Tombs of Atuan
Time set: During Earthsea Quartet
Date published: 2004

Ogion Smiled, by Yunshui (general)
Summary: Ogion is encouraged by something small that Sparrowhawk does. Set during Sparrowhawk's apprenticeship with Ogion, before Sparrowhawk's time at Roke.

Available at: Fanfiction.net
Length: short vignette
Main characters: Ged, Ogion
Pairing: none
Source: A Wizard of Earthsea
Time set: During Earthsea Quartet
Date published: 2011

The Humiliation of Cob, by Yunshui (general)
Summary: Set between the events at the end of A Wizard of Earthsea and the beginning of The Tombs of Atuan, Sparrowhawk encounters Cob summoning the dead, and in a rage terrorizes and humiliates him, setting the stage for The Farthest Shore.

Available at: Fanfiction.net
Length: short story
Main characters: Ged, Cob, Ogion
Pairing: none
Source: The Farthest Shore, A Wizard of Earthsea
Time set: During Earthsea Quartet
Date published: 2011